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Who is behind the NFT in gaming push?


Aug 12, 2021
Totally. Can't wait to finish a game and hope there's a market for the horse armour I stupidly purchased.
Years back when I decided I was done with Dota2 I sold all the cosmetics I had for like a grand total sum of like 5 dollarydoos, which I then used to buy tickets for MvM in tf2. No, I got no Australiums but I paid money for something that is not real and has no value. What I'm trying to say is, these markets prey on and profit off of the stupid like past me and this NFT stuff is just the next step in getting people hooked on the great finance gambling scheme. Don't forget, the house always wins.


Oct 20, 2008
Merida, again
If they wanted you to be able to sell your digital items they would have done so ages ago, since you can do that without this NFT crap. But now they have figured out they can make even more money with NFTs, so they make up bullshit to try to get their users to buy into it. They just need an excuse.


Nov 20, 2019
It's all a tool to make you buy crypto. You can have billions in Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum or other Shitcoin and it's all worth less than nothing until you cash out by finding a moron to buy it from you.


Nov 5, 2007
Ubisoft took criticism about Quartz to heart and their "blockchain specialist" responds:

I think gamers don't get what a digital secondary market can bring to them. For now, because of the current situation and context of NFTs, gamers really believe it's first destroying the planet, and second just a tool for speculation. But what we [at Ubisoft] are seeing first is the end game. The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they're finished with them or they're finished playing the game itself.

So, it's really, for them. It's really beneficial. But they don't get it for now.

Like the secondary market for used games they did everything they could to destroy? Cool story bro.

Doctor Sbaitso

Oct 22, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Grab the Codex by the pussy Serpent in the Staglands
The end goal for NFTs is to turn every game into a slot machine. You will buy tokens to play with the promise that those tokens have real value. The future for gaming was never this bright.

kinda like Shroud of the Avatar silken drapes?

Drop Duck

Dec 22, 2020
Ubisoft took criticism about Quartz to heart and their "blockchain specialist" responds:

I think gamers don't get what a digital secondary market can bring to them. For now, because of the current situation and context of NFTs, gamers really believe it's first destroying the planet, and second just a tool for speculation. But what we [at Ubisoft] are seeing first is the end game. The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they're finished with them or they're finished playing the game itself.

So, it's really, for them. It's really beneficial. But they don't get it for now.

This guy is 100% right and it doesn't matter if gamers are too stupid to get it, NFTs are the future. Every time there's a change it's the same whining and it always ends the same way. When will you learn?
I just unlocked ratings for the first time, so I thought it would be nice to give my first shit rating to Drop Bear.

Enjoy your shitty token. No, you don't own it. :mixedemotions:
It's amazing how much being an NFT Chad can trigger posters. You must be very jealous.


Nov 20, 2019
You aren't a Chad, you're a pleb elites unload their shit on in exchange for your money.

Just look at your gods- guy that bought the first NFT for over 60 millions is an Indian scammer that runs away with money of people that invested in his crypto companies

In early 2014, around 50 traders posted on a bitcoin public forum complaining that Coins-E had not returned deposited funds worth tens of thousands of dollars, despite their repeated requests. Sundaresan, using an account called “coins-e support,” responded that he would resolve the issue. Four traders interviewed by Reuters and other traders who posted again in the public forum said their money never was returned.
In early December 2017, Sundaresan gathered prospective investors for a dinner at a French-style wine bar in San Francisco. Over deviled eggs and croque monsieur, he told them about his idea for Lendroid, a platform he said would “reimagine trading.” It was an early version of the so-called DeFi, or decentralized finance, products now surging in popularity. Traditionally, borrowers have looked to banks or brokers. By contrast, Lendroid envisioned a “lending pool” of deposited crypto that would facilitate peer-to-peer loans, by allowing users to lend and borrow crypto funds directly, without an intermediary.
By the time the fundraiser launched in February 2018, with billions of dollars washing into the ICO market, the total target sum of the fundraising rocketed to 50,000 ether, the equivalent at the time of almost $48 million. Sundaresan incorporated a company in Singapore to operate the ICO.
A Reuters review of Lendroid’s corporate records in Singapore, its software on code-hosting platform GitHub, and its blockchain data shows that development largely halted after 2019. Most of the ether from the ICO was sold or transferred by Lendroid to unspecified entities, the review found. By the end of 2019, Lendroid had just $85,431 in crypto left on its books, equivalent to just over 650 ether at the time.

Guess what, he doesn't see NFTs as the "future".

He used sponsored articles in various outlets to promote NFTs and bought that one Beeple NFT for over 60 millions to drive the price of his another crypto company from 20 cents to almost 30 dollars.

Here's the fun part- Beeple also has a stake in that company.

They artificially raised the price of the bid and used their contacts in the media to plant the idea in your head that you have to get on the NFTs, because they're going to be the next big thing.

When enough plebs decided to join in, crypto whales unloaded their massive balls, cumming all over the market.

Enjoy being part of the "future".
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Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Ubisoft think people "don't get" the thrilling benefits of NFT items

"I think gamers don't get what a digital secondary market can bring to them," Pouard said. "For now, because of the current situation and context of NFTs, gamers really believe it's first destroying the planet, and second just a tool for speculation. But what we [at Ubisoft] are seeing first is the end game. The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they're finished with them or they're finished playing the game itself. So, it's really, for them. It's really beneficial. But they don't get it for now."

:D :D :D

edit: ah, Alphons already posted it. :salute:
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GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Chad's don't go through a user's post history and rate them as shit like you did to me in violation of the rules. You're just another moron with too much money and not enough sense.
Aren't you supposed to be ignoring me?

I only ignored you to stop the spam from you going through my entire post history and rating everything I wrote as shit. Some Chad you are that you have to go through a person's post history to rate it shit in violation of the rules. Chads tell you to fuck off and ignore you. We all know who the Chad is here and it's me. Do you have anything intelligent to say or are you going to flap your dick sucking lips even more?

Bruma Hobo

Dec 29, 2011
The end goal for NFTs is to turn every game into a slot machine. You will buy tokens to play with the promise that those tokens have real value. The future for gaming was never this bright.

kinda like Shroud of the Avatar silken drapes?
Garriott has been always a visionary after all.


I find it funny the same fucking publishers who constantly pandered to woke retards on twitter have now dropped them temporarily because NFTs make way more money.

I think I'm missing your point. Are NFTs somehow anathema to the woke crowd?

From what I've seen... kinda? Most woke types I've seen are dead set against NFTs due to all the drama about blockchain's supposed energy/environmental impact (which I don't really know the truth of, myself). So a lot of the time they don't even get to whining about "late stage capitalism" or whatever, it's all muh environmentz.
Don't be naive, SJWs will like or dislike whatever the media tells them to, never underestimate their mental gymnastic skills. They will be the biggest NFT supporters the moment big corpo decides this is not a threat.


Aug 9, 2020

As someone that's worked on mobile Worms games, my official stance is I also condemn Team 17 for their use of NFTs. Team 17 forgot that it was the DOS and Amiga that made them who they were this action burns everyone that helped made them what they are today.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Ubisoft took criticism about Quartz to heart and their "blockchain specialist" responds:

I think gamers don't get what a digital secondary market can bring to them. For now, because of the current situation and context of NFTs, gamers really believe it's first destroying the planet, and second just a tool for speculation. But what we [at Ubisoft] are seeing first is the end game. The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they're finished with them or they're finished playing the game itself.

So, it's really, for them. It's really beneficial. But they don't get it for now.

Basically "Why aren't you suckers willing to suck up this, too? :( "
Dec 24, 2018
I think gamers don't get what a digital secondary market can bring to them. For now, because of the current situation and context of NFTs, gamers really believe it's first destroying the planet, and second just a tool for speculation. But what we [at Ubisoft] are seeing first is the end game. The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they're finished with them or they're finished playing the game itself.

So, it's really, for them. It's really beneficial. But they don't get it for now.


Given that this is coming from a company that doesn't allow you to resell games, I have a hard time believing them.

Drop Duck

Dec 22, 2020

Oh no, whatever will Team17 do without the galaxy brains behind such classics as Subway Midnight and Going Under?

Hang on, it seems that Going Under (2020) was such a flop that they had to self-publish Subway Midnight (2021). Did they even have a choice of working with Team17 again? Pretty sure they are just anti-NFT signalling in hopes of gaining relevance after failing to make good games and being dumped by Team17.



Possibly Retarded
Feb 20, 2020
NFTs are just a way for people to move their crypto, like explained before. NFTs are also useful for other types of wealth accumulation, which is why certain industries are pushing it. However, it only makes the already fat cats fatter. You as a user get nothing. There is a good video recently posted on the crypto thread that does a well enough job of exposing these technologies. In the end it's just people wanting to make money in an irresponsible and detrimental way. Nothing new really.

For these without access to that forum section, here is the video:

According to the video, The one's behind NFT in gaming (generally) are the wealthy and ultra wealthy. A turf war between the 5% and the 1% where the 5% attempt to create conditions/domain that will make them the next Bill Gates or other such class/rank in their society. NFT is the pump that keep it flowing.


If you were in possession of a lot of wool during a wool shortage in some ancient village you would find that it suddenly had risen in value. This is not from nothing but the wool has also not changed, it's still the same thing.
Its a faulty example/argument.
Wool is a material from which cloth's are made. Cloths are tool that help preserve/maintain heat/energy, they are an aid in survival, continuation of life. So even without a monetary/currency system attached to them, They still have use and more of it, even as food for moth's.

In contrast/comparison, what is the main use of NFT? What would it be without the monetary/currency scheme/system attached to it? Without the ugliness of most of it and the triggering of the release of dopamine/pleasure/desire in the brain in anticipation of the reward, what use/influence it would have without them?

Be reminded/aware, that according to studies; the cause of gambling addiction is due to anticipation of reward. Most of the dopamine, the molecule of desire, that which allow mice(and thus other animals) to get up an pick/get their food by them-self,
is being serrated/released in the brain due the anticipation. One has to assume them drunk on pleasure on the idea/imagination alone, without the substance/reward/payoff. The speculation market is a gamble.

Add peer pressure, social groups/circle for reinforcement and one has formed a steady trap.

These with high standards/principles/ethics (the highest/greatest of them are these of Yahuha/YHWH/יהוה the highest/greatest being we have proof/evidence of) which allows one to consider more , the two sides of the coin, highest and lowest, to place one in another shoe's/point of view would generally be immune to it, see/sense a wrong in it. What there is in NFT trade that benefits both parties if no other/further transactions are allowed/possible? The one fooled would remain so until another one to be fooled is found.

A bubble is a fragile, the key word is fragile, it can only sustain its form in small sizes reliably and small/mere pressure destroys it. One cannot build/create reliable/lasting things based on it.

Even the concept of ownership becomes insignificant/unimportant/illusionery. Too small and temporary, not worth the effort at the expense of others, when factoring Yahuha/YHWH/יהוה.

Even if these scheme exist as to leech the excess, trim the fat from, these with excess income, it highly likely to end/siphoned back to the ultra wealthy/elite rather then be disturbed/share with these in more need of it.

Think of nations economy/currency as the body blood vessels. If the blood flow is restricted or concentrated in one area, other parts of the body will begin to rot for they were denied access to nutrition/resources they need to exist. One need to image/picture what form such body would take, how slim the limbs would be or if the body will resemble a tentacle.


Aug 9, 2020
Hang on, it seems that Going Under (2020) was such a flop that they had to self-publish Subway Midnight (2021). Did they even have a choice of working with Team17 again? Pretty sure they are just anti-NFT signalling in hopes of gaining relevance after failing to make good games and being dumped by Team17.
Oh I agree completely. It seems more they were butthurt about the fact that they signed onto a publisher that ultimately screwed them. My hating on them is more justifiable, I'm annoyed because Team17's brand was something associated with Worms and its legacy, first they adopted MTX and it pissed everyone off now this. We were doing mobile games and yet none of them had MTX, all of them were buy to keep. The post THQ era has been a disgusting mess for Team17 I'm so disappointed in them.

people who are anti-nft because "muh environment" are fucking retarded
Agreed, the environmental impact is the least thing wrong with them. The Intellectual property violations and artificial inflation resulting in a scam are far more concerning plus developers using them as an extension of DRM and enforcing always online. Then there's also the behavioural issues especially with psychology, the FOMO issues the peer pressure issues and I have to question does this benefit society at all other than ripping people off even further and redistributing wealth back to the rich?

Video Games.


Aug 9, 2020
how did you manage to find an even dumber concern
I'm not talking about saving JPEGs, I'm talking about minting assets from games without the license to do so. For an indie dev this would be extremely bad because you'd get negative backlash even though you never wanted NFTs made of your product. Some have been doing this where they've been taking popular art and minting it.

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