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Review Yet another 9.5 Oblivion review

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<a href=http://www.gameclubcentral.com>GameClubCentral</a> has posted one of those <a href=http://www.gameclubcentral.com/modules.php?name=GCCReviews&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid=254&ttitle=Oblivion>9.5 Oblivion reviews</a>, praising Oblivion for redefining the standards for the genre and advancing our civilization in general.
<blockquote>Once you pick your jaw up off the floor, its time for you to get into the game. Oblivion’s story and game play is as involving as ever. ‘Free Form’ and ‘Detail’ are golden rules in the Elder Scroll’s games and Oblivion is no exception. You can chose to embark on the quest or ignore it completely and nose around whatever the game has to offer. The NPC’s in the game talk with you and to other NPC’s in the game, wandering about the world with their own agenda and schedules. Shops open and close at different times of the day and not everyone you encounter will want to deal with you. The game is rife with quests. I’ve easily dropped 51 hours into the game and I’m not even halfway done yet! It’s a huge game world and it’s filled with all sorts of things to keep you busy; quests, ancient ruins, dungeons, wandering monsters, you name it! It’s like there’s too much to do. Is that possible in a CRPG? It ain’t bad that’s for sure!
Not only does Oblivion offer you hours of content to enjoy, it offers players a myriad of ways to do it. the game provides a staggering amount of character classes to choose from. If those aren’t enough or not to you’re liking, you can even create your own. (Another hallmark of the Elder Scroll games). With eight playable races offering unique abilities as well as a boatload of avatar customization options to choose from, you can mix and match to your heart’s content. </blockquote>Two bad you all those "staggering amounts" of classes will end up creating one "fight/thief/mage" class in the end.
<blockquote>You’re probably thinking that this game is too good to be true.</blockquote>Not really, but carry on.
<blockquote>Gripes aside, Oblivion is an excellent CRPG, one of the best I’ve seen in a very long time. Already the market is taking note and taking the ‘Oblivion Approach’ in designing their CRPG’s. If they’re as good as Oblivion all the better. Bottom Line, if you like RPG’s, you must get this one!</blockquote>The foretold RPG apocalypse definitely cometh.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgwatch.com">RPG Watch</A>
Nov 7, 2006
And they don't tell anything about the "levelling" of course. Luckily there are mods for that too...
I read all these "official" reviews, and they're all the same... on a magazine they said that Bethesda "kept all their promises, without exception". I ended up hating Bethesda and being disappointed with most of the reviews while I still like Oblivion.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
It's hard not to like a game that redefined the standards for the genre.
Nov 7, 2006
Vault Dweller said:
It's hard not to like a game that redefined the standards for the genre.
I just think it's a great game (with the right mods, I repeat, luckily Bethesda developed the TES Construction Set), I'm definitely not saying that it redefined the whole RPG genre. And I repeat (for the fourth time I think) that I hate Bethesda, I'm not one of their spambots.

oh, I have a giant poster with your avatar in my room, VD, and I pray you every night to keep viruses away from my PC.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
How much did Bethesda pay them to make make this lying review for the beginning of the Christmas sales?


Nov 6, 2005
Putting Old Gods to Bed
I cannot understand why Ob always scores so highly in reviews. There are a heap of people unhappy at TES (and here obviously) and yet every review you read is 9.5!

Possible reasons:
1. Reviewers only play 10-20 hours and the flaws don't show up until hour 21? I would expect reviewers to complete the main quest - surely thats enough to lower the score?

2. Microsoft sent all reviewers a brand new 360 to review it on.

3. Bethesda made sure all reviewers were either casual players or FPS regulars and not hardcore RPG players?

4. Nobody wants to buck the trend and look out of place - everyone else gave Ob a 9 so I better do it too?

Just makes no sense......
There should be at least 10 reviews from hardcore rpg gamers telling it how it is. The only two I'm aware of are VD and Fable? at Gamebanchee


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
pantheon said:
I cannot understand why Ob always scores so highly in reviews. There are a heap of people unhappy at TES (and here obviously) and yet every review you read is 9.5!
Graphics. It looks pretty, therefore it must be good. It's like those Checkoslovakian porn stars. They look nice until the moment they open their mouths and start talking English with those funny Russian accents.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
I would still think there is something wrong here, I joked around about bought reviewers, but how can everyone give it this good ratings? Personally I don't like it at all, but these reviews look more like they got a blueprint for how it should look and then write in some personal words. They can choose between "Awesome" and "amazing".


Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
pantheon said:
Possible reasons:
1. Reviewers only play 10-20 hours and the flaws don't show up until hour 21? I would expect reviewers to complete the main quest - surely thats enough to lower the score?

2. Microsoft sent all reviewers a brand new 360 to review it on.

3. Bethesda made sure all reviewers were either casual players or FPS regulars and not hardcore RPG players?

4. Nobody wants to buck the trend and look out of place - everyone else gave Ob a 9 so I better do it too?

Just makes no sense......
There should be at least 10 reviews from hardcore rpg gamers telling it how it is. The only two I'm aware of are VD and Fable? at Gamebanchee


5) It was reviewed not how it stood to the genre, but it's overall effect as a game.

6) The Reviewers haven't had expereince with enough RPGs to make an adequetly informed statement.

7) They just don't give a damn?

Always more possibilities, yet we may never find out the real reason unless we ask them. :|

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Ahzaruuk said:

5) It was reviewed not how it stood to the genre, but it's overall effect as a game.

This would be the case except the reviewer clearly wrote:

Gripes aside, Oblivion is an excellent CRPG

so it's more than likely that what we have here is someone who:

Ahzaruuk said:
haven't had expereince with enough RPGs to make an adequetly informed statement.


Jan 19, 2006
The geological, topographical, theological pancake
DarkUnderlord said:
pantheon said:
I cannot understand why Ob always scores so highly in reviews. There are a heap of people unhappy at TES (and here obviously) and yet every review you read is 9.5!
Graphics. It looks pretty, therefore it must be good. It's like those Checkoslovakian porn stars. They look nice until the moment they open their mouths and start talking English with those funny Russian accents.

Seriously, the Armenian or Romanian ones are so much better.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Another whiny thread made by a G3 fanboy jealousy that another superhyped game is getting all the glory!



Oct 16, 2005
Ahzaruuk said:

5) It was reviewed not how it stood to the genre, but it's overall effect as a game.
Which should still probably only get it an 8/10. Combat is still a click-fest. Dialogue is unbelievably poor. Story lines and quest lines are very shallow for the most part, as are NPC characterizations. Besides, if you're not reviewing a game based on its genre, why does every review say it redefines it? And if you're not reviewing a game based on genre, you should probably tell readers that up front.

6) The Reviewers haven't had expereince with enough RPGs to make an adequetly informed statement.
Which means they shouldn't be reviewing RPGs.

7) They just don't give a damn?
Which means they shouldn't be reviewing games at all.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"How much did Bethesda pay them to make make this lying review for the beginning of the Christmas sales?"

What a maroon. Not all rfeveiwers scoop up games as soon as they are released. every game tends to get 'late' reviews. Dumbass.

I nearly guarantee if a G3 review comes out just ebfore next Christmas you'll be sucking its dick... unless the rveiew disses G3 than you'd be whining that it's purposely trying to 'sabotage' G3's sales.



Sep 28, 2006
Bloom County
Vault Dweller said:
The foretold RPG apocalypse definitely cometh.

Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgwatch.com">RPG Watch</A>
Which would also tend to indicate a second coming in there somewhere too, on an upside...

As for the review itself. Is there really a market left that if they were going to buy Oblivion hadn't already done so? I could see a deluge of reviews if they had released a decent sized addon/expansion, but...

Also alongside the Christmas exposure, that's my theory as to why Knights of the Nine is going to get a retail box billing, yet even then they had to toss in all other DLC to attempt to not make it look like a ripoff.

BTW: who shit in Volourn's cheerios recently? He seemed to be behaving like a normal poster until the last week or so, after which he has exhibited behavior which lives up to his tagging IMO...


Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
Monica21 said:
Ahzaruuk said:

5) It was reviewed not how it stood to the genre, but it's overall effect as a game.
Which should still probably only get it an 8/10. Combat is still a click-fest. Dialogue is unbelievably poor. Story lines and quest lines are very shallow for the most part, as are NPC characterizations. Besides, if you're not reviewing a game based on its genre, why does every review say it redefines it? And if you're not reviewing a game based on genre, you should probably tell readers that up front.

6) The Reviewers haven't had expereince with enough RPGs to make an adequetly informed statement.
Which means they shouldn't be reviewing RPGs.

7) They just don't give a damn?
Which means they shouldn't be reviewing games at all.
Yeah. I was just putting out ideas. (It was 8ish in the morning before classes, so I was still somewhat half-dead in spite of band rehersal)


Apr 23, 2006
Somewhere damp and cold.

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