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Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter Update #45: Regill the Hellknight

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Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter Update #45: Regill the Hellknight

Game News - posted by Infinitron on Tue 24 March 2020, 23:49:13

Tags: Owlcat Games; Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

When the Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter campaign concluded earlier this month, there were still six companions left who hadn't been properly introduced. I guess it made sense for Owlcat to save some of them for the game's long development, starting from today's Kickstarter update. Meet Regill, a formidable Hellknight from Cheliax who also happens to be a gnome.

The crusade is a noble quest, a march to glory, a chance to save the world and do things that matter… right?

Wrong. The crusade is just another war. And Golarion is losing.

At least, this is what the Hellknights think.

Merciless and deadly, clad in black armor, they have come from infernal Cheliax to prove that, when empowered with law and discipline, an army can achieve more than by noble intentions and good will. They have no authority above them other than their order’s regulations and no compassion for anyone, least of all the pathetic failures who can’t even hold the demons at bay.

Paralictor Regill Derenge is one of the strictest and most ruthless Hellknight officers. He doesn’t have hopes—he has goals. He doesn’t have doubts—he has discipline. Every risk he takes is calculated. Every stratagem he devises is the most efficient.

Casualties? Manageable. Compassion? A debilitating luxury. Training? To the fullest extent. Evil? Lawful evil.

Needless to say, all these qualities are rare for a gnome.

Indeed, Regill is far from representative of his people. While other gnomes crave new experiences and sensations to stop the bleaching—a process of physical decolorization and aging, which is considered an affliction—Regill accepts it as a natural state, and doesn’t bother himself to care. Of course, he has too many urgent tasks to spend time indulging excessive curiosity or other weaknesses. He’d rather purge them with morbid rituals of reckoning.

In battle, Regill dashes to the mob of chaotic creatures, smiting them with measured, precise blows. His effectiveness is the result of strict hellknight training, and his control helps him to assess the situation on the battlefield and choose the best course of action.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you’re his commander or his friend—Regill fights alongside you because he volunteered to do so. While his disfavor has consequences, so too does his esteem. His respect and loyalty are difficult to earn, but, once secured, will pay off a hundredfold.
Hell yeah.

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