Troika dev diary part 4 on RPG Vault
Troika dev diary part 4 on RPG Vault
Editorial - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Sat 12 July 2003, 02:55:56
Tags: Temple of Elemental EvilSteve Craig of Troika has written up a dev diary for RPG Vault covering some stuff about his work on Temple of Elemental Evil as well as the industry itself:
A friend once told me "The video game industry is a great way to make a small fortune... from a much larger one." Very few games actually turn a profit. The reasons for this are fairly simple; when games take 20 to 40 hours to complete, there is a limit to the number of games the average consumer can buy. Everyone tends to buy the same games, so the few games at the top of the chain that do sell make vast quantities of money, enough to fund the rest. (This is called a 'vertical market' by the marketing types).
It doesn't help matters when those same marketing types kind of enforce that everyone make the same games, you know.
Spotted this at Blue's News.
A friend once told me "The video game industry is a great way to make a small fortune... from a much larger one." Very few games actually turn a profit. The reasons for this are fairly simple; when games take 20 to 40 hours to complete, there is a limit to the number of games the average consumer can buy. Everyone tends to buy the same games, so the few games at the top of the chain that do sell make vast quantities of money, enough to fund the rest. (This is called a 'vertical market' by the marketing types).
It doesn't help matters when those same marketing types kind of enforce that everyone make the same games, you know.
Spotted this at Blue's News.
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