ActionTrip adores Dungeon Siege: LoA
ActionTrip adores Dungeon Siege: LoA
Review - posted by Spazmo on Thu 13 November 2003, 23:05:01
Tags: Dungeon Siege: Legends of ArannaActionTrip have put forth a review of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna. They liked it a lot and the game scores 86%.
My only beef with the add-on had to do with signs of inconsistency in level design and a slightly unbalanced gameplay difficulty towards the end of the single-player campaign. Certain dungeons would appear too similar to others, and I would sometimes come across sections that were too linear and restricted. As far as the difficulty balance is concerned, I felt that my party members became too strong towards the end of the game, dealing massive death quite easily to my opposition. (Ed. - This massive ass-kicking has been brought to you by: Bad Balancing, when you can kick the ever-loving shit out of everything with one hit.) (It's not that bad, but it does stand out. - 2Lions) Of course, I did finish every side quest and break every barrel and crate along the way to buy the best equipment, but I still feel that the last few chapters could've been a bit more challenging. I guess there is always the option of upping the difficulty level. I finished the single-player campaign on 'normal.'
Ah, ph4t l3wt--a classic staple of the "we-haven't-got-anything-better-to-use-to-keep-the-player-interested" genre.
Spotted at Blues News
My only beef with the add-on had to do with signs of inconsistency in level design and a slightly unbalanced gameplay difficulty towards the end of the single-player campaign. Certain dungeons would appear too similar to others, and I would sometimes come across sections that were too linear and restricted. As far as the difficulty balance is concerned, I felt that my party members became too strong towards the end of the game, dealing massive death quite easily to my opposition. (Ed. - This massive ass-kicking has been brought to you by: Bad Balancing, when you can kick the ever-loving shit out of everything with one hit.) (It's not that bad, but it does stand out. - 2Lions) Of course, I did finish every side quest and break every barrel and crate along the way to buy the best equipment, but I still feel that the last few chapters could've been a bit more challenging. I guess there is always the option of upping the difficulty level. I finished the single-player campaign on 'normal.'
Ah, ph4t l3wt--a classic staple of the "we-haven't-got-anything-better-to-use-to-keep-the-player-interested" genre.
Spotted at Blues News
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