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Avault slobbers all over Silent Storm

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Avault slobbers all over Silent Storm

Review - posted by Whipporowill on Fri 6 February 2004, 11:31:09

Tags: Silent Storm

Latest in line with praise for Nival's excellent Silent Storm is Adrenaline Vault, where it scores 4.5 out of 5 stars. Graphics and gameplay are mentioned as it's strong parts, with a little less praise for music and ai (which can be either really good or really bad according to the reviewer). The introduction to the review is particularly funny:

Remember the Macarena? How about wearing a single sequined glove? Or “What’cho talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?” The gritty settings of World War II in video games have gone the direction of Tickle Me Elmo and Vanilla Ice, and there’s nothing anyone can do to change that. Yet more titles continue to hit the market with Nazis in their sights. There’s a lot of carping about this, but every once and a while somebody brings out a hands down winner like Call of Duty that makes you forget you ever had a problem with the time period. Pulling out the tried and true backdrop of the Second World War, Nival Interactive brings us Silent Storm.

The review in whole sounds reasonable and the reviewer has obviously done his homework purdy dilligently and enjoyed it quite a bit - worth a read for those of you that might still be undecided on Silent Storm. As if there were ANYONE who was by now? Hah.

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