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Gearhead fires along to 8.50

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Gearhead fires along to 8.50

Development Info - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 23 August 2004, 03:12:16

Tags: Gearhead

The Gearhead mirror over at RoguelikeDevelopment.org has version 8.50 available for download along with the full graphics pack and the mini graphics pack for this version. What's changed? Here's a list:

  • Random soldiers will have variable skill level (wmonster.pp)
    This should cut down on the 100+ soldier encounters when entering Kist near the end of the game, if you're an enemy of the Bone Devils.
  • Added FIRE! trigger when a new fire starts (effects.pp)
    So now, when a fire starts in a town, everybody there runs off the edge of the map. I'm hoping this will cut down on casulties. You'll have to start a new game for the new scripts to be in effect, of course.
  • Fire, smoke displays work properly in SDL mode (sdlmaps.pp)
    No more smoke overwriting fire or vice versa.
  • Added Pick Pockets skill (ghchars.pp)
    Loads of fun.
  • Added Hull Down, Gate Crasher talents (ghchars.pp)
    Hull Down helps protect against critical hits as long as you're walking or rolling. Gate Crasher makes all attacks against inanimate objects have a +2 penetration.
  • Instant selection if only one living enemy in tile (gflooker.pp)
  • Mecha with dead/dismissed pilots will no longer follow PC (arenaplay.pp)
  • Cyberdisfunctions healed by Medicine (ghweapon.pp)
  • Cybertech no longer a repair skill (ghchars.pp)
    From this point on, Cybertech is passively used to prevent disfunction.
  • Lawful/Chaotic reputation can't be set at character creation
  • Cannot save enemy pilots from salvaged mecha (arenascript.pp)
  • Only get Stealth roll if Stealth skill known (locale.pp)
  • Fire, smoke in ASCII more now more colorful (conmap.pp)
    Actually, ATM it looks better than in SDL mode...
  • Fixed PC being deployed underwater bug (arenaplay.pp)
    There is still the bug that if you somehow get yourself underwater, you won't be able to move but you won't drown either. I'm looking into my options for handling this.
  • Storage modules don't share overkill damage (action.pp)
    If a storage module gets blown off the extra damage doesn't transfer through to the body module.
Three. Hundred. Sixty. Five. Degrees! Burning down the house!

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