Lost Labyrinth throws out 4.011a
Lost Labyrinth throws out 4.011a
Development Info - posted by Saint_Proverbius on Fri 17 June 2005, 21:16:50
Tags: Lost LabyrinthLost Labyrinth has been updated to version 4.011a of the graphical, coffee cup rogue-like. There's a huge list of changes, but here's the top bunch:
- the encumbrance level of the character is now displayed in the status window
- changed the way ranged weapons are working: the to-hit chance is calculated exactly as in melee combat (50+(character attack-monster defense)*10 in percent); however, the to-hit-chance is reduced by 5% for every space between the character and the target; it is no longer possible to attack a nearby monster (no space between character and monster) with
ranged weapons - throwing weapons implemented: some weapons (daggers, 1h spears, tridents, axes, stones etc.) can be thrown and picked up again later on (with the exception of stones/pellets);
throwing weapons are divided in balanced weapons (javelins, every weapon with the word "throwing" in it) and unbalanced weapons; when throwing an unbalanced weapon, the to-hit
chance gets halved; daggers cause Rand(1,6)+Strength, axes Rand(1,8)+Strength and spears Rand(1,10)+Strength points of damage when thrown; everything else causes Rand(0,2)
points damage when thrown; there is a small chance that weapons get damaged/broken when thrown; damaged/broken weapons cannot be thrown anymore - new character trait: "Throwing Weapons": the character is especially trained with throwing weapons; his to-hit chance is not reduced by using an unbalanced weapon, and the
damage caused by throwing weapons is increased by 50% - new character trait: "Sharpshooter": the maximum damage caused by ranged or throwing weapons used by the character gets doubled
- ammunition for ranged weapons fixed: slings use rocks or pellets, bows use arrows, crossbows use bolts; the sling causes Rand(1,4), bows Rand(1,10) and crossbows Rand(1,15)
points of damage - attack and damage with ranged weapons are displayed separately in the character info screen