More RogueLike action: Liberal Crime Squad
More RogueLike action: Liberal Crime Squad
Game News - posted by DarkUnderlord on Wed 6 August 2008, 12:47:11
Tags: Liberal Crime SquadKorgan sends word of the latest release of the tongue-in-cheek, risque, controversial, epic RogueLike game called Liberal Crime Squad. Here's the brief:
Welcome to Liberal Crime Squad! The Conservatives have taken the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government. Over time, the Liberal laws of this nation will erode and turn the country into a BACKWOODS YET CORPORATE NIGHTMARE. To prevent this from happening, the Liberal Crime Squad was established. The mood of the country is shifting, and we need to turn things around. Go out on the streets and indoctrinate Conservative automatons. That is, let them see their True Liberal Nature. Then arm them and send them forth to Stop Evil. Eventually the public will fall behind us, and we will put more Elite Liberals in government.You can find out more about the game on the official wiki.
Thanks Korgan!
Welcome to Liberal Crime Squad! The Conservatives have taken the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government. Over time, the Liberal laws of this nation will erode and turn the country into a BACKWOODS YET CORPORATE NIGHTMARE. To prevent this from happening, the Liberal Crime Squad was established. The mood of the country is shifting, and we need to turn things around. Go out on the streets and indoctrinate Conservative automatons. That is, let them see their True Liberal Nature. Then arm them and send them forth to Stop Evil. Eventually the public will fall behind us, and we will put more Elite Liberals in government.
Thanks Korgan!
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