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If Obsidian Kickstarts a project, what manner of game will it be?

What type of game Obsidian will most likely make? [You can select more than one option]

  • Total voters
Apr 2, 2010
UPDATE!! Also cast your vote on the type of game you *WANT* in this other, new thread.

MCA said:
Time for the Kickstarter Twitter/FB/forum sorting. Thanks for all the responses, I hope to have an update (may be more questions) soon.

It looks like this could be happening soon so let's fire up the speculation market!

Disclaimer: To Obsidian developers reading this. These options reflect only our sad realistic expectations, not hopes. We know, we have cursed at you a lot before. We have the butthurt for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good folks or trolls. Why we cursed, or why we trolled. All that matters is that a few defended virtues like TB against many. That's what's important MAJESTIC! Valor Kickstarter pleases you, Obsidian... so grant us one request. Grant us Turn Based! And if you do not listen, then to HELL RETARDO with you! (you console cocksuckers!)


Edit: Somebody asked why no First Person in the options. Rephrasing my answer here:

They have never done a First Person game from scratch. Entirety of FNV is FO3 base game & assets + extras. They don't have the experience for setting up a FP game.

And if they were to do a FP game of their own some day, they would never try to do one just now for a low budget hypothetical kickstarter project. FP takes too much resources and development time compared to other types of games, especially if you try to meet the current minimum industry standards.

Unless they wanted to do a highly stylised FP game like XIII, it's a pipe dream but even then, once again, they have no experience. It would most assuredly be made of pure suck. They would need publisher backing right from the start for any FP game.

Also, see Alpha Popamole: their first attempt at a 3rd Person popamole console corridor shooter on rails and as many of us here predicted, it turned out to be made of pure suck. Can't even / don't want to imagine just how much more they would screw up a FP game.

Really, those options are quite sensibly grounded in reality.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
All these options are shit so is the OP. What you should have done was collect some ideas on what game people would like thread, and then make a vote.

Crooked Bee

(no longer) a wide-wandering bee
Jan 27, 2010
In quarantine
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire MCA Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Voted isometric, good writing and deeply flawed. A bit sceptical about Obsidian's ability to develop a good and diverse character system, in particular... But we'll see (or will we?).
Apr 2, 2010
All these options are shit so is the OP. What you should have done was collect some ideas on what game people would like thread, and then make a vote.
Yeah, because there are so many options, the possibilities are practically endless, right? LOL! We all know that whatever game they may make, it won't go outside the scope of these options. If you think otherwise, be my guest to deliver.


Aug 20, 2005
They will kick-start yet another console crap, I'm sure. Maybe Family Guy - The RPG.
And then they will get away with your monies. :P

Edit: on a serious note, I'd like them to make another MoTB-caliber NWN2 module (independent and non-Epic please) which should be easy since the engine is there. However, that is very unlikely to happen since they would need another license for D&D.
I doubt that Obsidian will ever make anything worthwhile, on their own or via kick-start, really. They are too far gone.
Maybe if some of the better guys split and made their own small, independent company. Like game studios used to be when they were making really cool games and not shit for the masses.


Dec 31, 2007
I'd like it to be the the BEST CRPG EVAR , a combination of Fallout/Arcanum/Torment/BG2/TOEE/BAK/AoD/FUCKYEAH/CUMMINGBUCKETS!!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

But it won't be. Cause they won't do it.



:x So, fuck you all, cocksuckers !
Apr 2, 2010
They will kick-start yet another console crap, I'm sure. Maybe Family Guy - The RPG.
And then they will get away with your monies. :p

Edit: on a serious note, I'd like them to make another MoTB-caliber NWN2 module (independent and non-Epic please) which should be easy since the engine is there. However, that is very unlikely to happen since they would need another license for D&D.
I doubt that Obsidian will ever make anything worthwhile, on their own or via kick-start, really. They are too far gone.
Maybe if some of the better guys split and made their own small, independent company. Like game studios used to be when they were making really cool games and not shit for the masses.

If you can look past the Fallout 3 wreckage, FNV is top 10 RPG material. Considering what a recent game it is, "too far gone" is sensationalist hyperbole.

But it's interesting to note that the games they had the most relative creative freedom turned out to be the ones that were the most derp, shit or boring: NWN2, AP, DS3.

And their best were created on strict limitations: MOTB, SOZ (expansions with small budget and small teams), FNV (Fallout 3 TC + Bethesda as supervisor).

Which is why I don't see anything really good coming out of this Kickstarter business.

I think it will be isometric only because of time and budget limitations. But turn-based? :lol:

RTwP at best, DS3 type shitty Diablo clone grinder at worst.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
SOZ was SOZZY, LOL saying SOZ was their best. r00fles!


Jan 23, 2011
SOZ was SOZZY, LOL saying SOZ was their best. r00fles!

SOZ wasn't that bad, and in fact some of the mechanics (overland map that emphasized non-combat skills and made for important rangers, return of creating your own party instead of playing babysitter of the bawing ones) in that game would be great if they were put with a more full game (locations that were more interesting/larger, more c&c).
Apr 2, 2010
SOZ was SOZZY, LOL saying SOZ was their best. r00fles!
That's Obsidian for you. Besides, Your mama is sozzy :smug:

Whether you liked it or not, it was more or less a proper traditional RPG where they weren't afraid to try out a couple of new things as well and it does what it tries to do well.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Whether you liked it or not, it was more or less a proper traditional RPG where they weren't afraid to try out a couple of new things as well and it does what it tries to do well.
But it doesn't. Overland exploration and all those dialogue checks are pointless, combat is boring shit with bad AI with very few exceptions, and trading and crafting are a joke. It was also idiotic of them to attempt a more ambitious expansion with a teamsize a fraction of MotB's, how utterly ass-backwards.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I can go into even more detail:
Overland exploration: Oh boy I get to go to (pointless location with a few trivial enemies) in any order I want! I might even get lucky and get a good fight one out of every ten locations!
Dialogue checks: I just told those guards who came to arrest me to fuck off with my intimidate skill! But oh wait they just laughed it off and told me to click on them when I'm ready to go the city. Now I'm telling the Yuan-Ti woman to fuck off with my intimidate skill! But she just laughs it off and gives me a job anyway. Repeat throughout the rest of this linear as fuck main quest.
Combat: Self-explanatory but here's a thing I wrote earlier about why the Herald of Zehir in an unintelligent boss:
I steamrolled that thing in one try on very difficult just by pre-buffing, then tanking and spanking with a barb/fb, ranger/rogue/fighter and a favored soul who only had to cast greater restoration thrice (plus true sight to fix some blindness). I also had a mage in the back doing absolutely nothing after the buffing, I suppose I could have sped up the process even further had I used it. I blame the complete lack of challenge mostly on a) only using 4 characters as opposed to the first time when I had two experience sponges acting as dead weight and b) the trading and crafting system. I started on them much earlier than before so I had all my characters dressed to the nines with the finest gear and all the best unbalanced-as-shit enchantments (the ability to put a +4 AC bonus on every piece of equipment was either an oversight or just plain dumb since it makes a bunch of other, more expensive enchantments completely worthless).
Trading: Buy low, sell high. Buy trading outposts, pour money into them, get even mooooore money over time. Zzzzzzzzzzz
Crafting: See what I wrote at the end of my paragraph about the Herald.


Jun 5, 2011
I picked the same 7 or so choices as the majority, I feel special. I especially feel the game will be full of bugs, maybe not large enough, because it will be probably underfunded by the fans or overbudget by Obsidian.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Excellent counter-argument. Storm of Zehir is an excellent game, it's no wonder Bioware took Tony "One Room Dungeon" Evans on as a level designer for DA2 where he simply became Tony "One Dungeon" Evans.


Jan 24, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
This thread is like the other one, but it has checkboxes!
Apr 2, 2010
I'm sorry that you think it's an excellent game. I do not. I'm also sorry that you seem to think you have provided some argument to counter. I guess I was right on the money when I mentioned meds. But anyway, you just hang in there.


Aug 13, 2011

Some people interview Chris Avellone in a podcast. A lot of it is just everyone messing around but at one point one guy asks Chris what he would want to do personally with a kickstarter project.

:mca: said:
...I would want to do a largely text only, old school, isometric, RPG a lot like Baldur’s Gate or Planescape but not necessarily in those worlds...

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