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  • hańba na czarnucha który by chciał wpuścić w maliny czarnucha
    Great, another bald faggot. They are coming out of the wood works today.
    Wow, Emil Pagliarulo worked at Looking Glass and designed both Life of the Party and Precious Cargo. And then he wrote Fallout 3 and 4.
    Life of the Party is the most overrated mission of all time. Most of it is spent in Angelwatch which is ugly and boring.
    With the sucess of Oblivion and how trite most of the writing is there, he seems to just give up afterwards and realize that he doesn't have to try for the games to sell. Because, and i shit you not, thinks Bethesda players will just ignore any dialogue and writing and make up their own stories.
    It does make the Fallout 76 fiasco funny because that game was all about "make your own fun" and a lot of Bethestards didn't liked that when he even they start to clamor for actual NPCs and actual writing.
    Rene Auberjonois- Mr House' VA in New Vegas- passed away at age 79. What a shame. Easily one of the highlights of NV was talking with House.
    Damn, that sucks. Mr. House definitely has some of the best voice acting in New Vegas.
    Nooooo, Odo is gone
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