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  • You buy LCI's propaganda, sad!
    I have never lived in France, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
    ‘K, had to Google it. So you’re just saying I buy into mainstream propaganda because you see me as not being pro-Russian in the Ukraine-Russia war?
    Have I offended you? you no longer appear in posts?
    He's not ignoring me
    Obviously Zombra is, he's a massive faggot
    My dear Anglo, I am currently witnessing enough real life tragedy that I have no need to submit myself to the fictional abomination that Hollywood has become. But rest assured that once I'll go back to the semi-hermit routine that my job requires I'll go back to the trial grounds of your sanctified thread. :love:
    Happy Christmas... even if you are French.. I forgive you
    May your island be sunk beneath the seventh seas, may your kingdom be burnt to ashes and scattered to the winds, all of it to the sound of laughter of thirsting gods... Merry Christmas to you too you perfidious Anglo, you’re a good egg.
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