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  • gdzie byłeś kiedy kapitan tytus własnoręcznie zatrzymał inwazję wpierw orków a później chaosu na planecie graia
    Bravo on having the act down. I knew from a post that retarded you either had to be american or from a country that desperately wants to be as retarded as americans (poland).
    Made you butthurt, didn't I, Ruski cocksucker?
    Are you a serp, by chance? You sure act like a serp.
    denying reality doesn't change it, it just makes you retarded
    yeah liars, hypocrites and those who think ignorance is a virtue anger me.
    Don't stand in front of the mirror, you may get very angry at what you'll see there
    if you can point out where I lied or basked in ignorance then please go ahead and do so.
    Is the one you gave Jesus the real answer or is there more to it?
    Ehm, about what? I don't recall getting asked about something by Jesus lately, maybe I should pray more.
    THE question. I mean, really, what other question can I be talking about?
    Oh, this. Yeah, that's all, I guess.
    Also there was this deviantart page where Draq posted pictures of dragons, but I lost the URL.
    I hope that last exchange was friendly. I didn't mean any wrong but i might have... overdone my answer a bit :P
    Sure, no offense taken, I joke about being a horny gay all the time.
    Why is DraQ an elite individual?
    cuz he wrote:
    "Dragons would have to be at least partially endothermic to fly (but let's just not get into the physiology of purely fictional beings, at least not until I figure a way around them square-cubes), delicate inside areas would also have no need for dermal armour.
    BTW, have you ever touched actual reptilian skin (on a living animal - snake or lizard - something that has those tiny scales covering it)? Scaly skin can be pretty soft and pleasant to touch too where it doesn't form natural armour.
    If you look at it from a more distanced POV, is it not more elegant than human wrinkly pinkish skin, constantly shedding dead cells, with it's sparse and ugly curly hairs, glands that constantly secrete (and excrete - sweat contains urea) malodorous stuff through it's prone to clogging pores?"
    ░░░█▀▄▄▄█░▀▀ U HAVE BEEN
    ▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ SPOOKED BY THE
    ░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄ SPOOKY SKILENTON
    ░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░█ SEND THIS TO 7 PPL
    ░░░░░▐▌░░░░░░░░░█ OR SKELINTONS
    ░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░▐▌WILL EAT YOU
    Breaking news: DU freezes brofists as Codexers rush to brolapse and withdraw all their brofists from forums. Are we approaching Codexit?
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