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  • I can see that you played Elminage Gothic (EG release thread). and I really liked your Grimoire review, which leads to this question: is there a chance of you posting an Elminage Gothic review here or on steam?
    I played EG back in 2015, and enjoyed it very much. But I think aweigh might have better analysis of the game. EG comes more from the early Wizardry titles, which are great, but I was more into Wiz 7.
    yeah, I know that aweigh is a massive fan of EG but I don't think he has ever written a review before, so not sure if he'll do it..
    Wizardry 1, 4, 7 and 8 are all masterpieces with 7 certainly being the magnum opus of the entire series!
    Your cousin Harald is in the intensive healing unit. He was attacked in Azure Hamlet.

    They cut his beard.
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