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  • Welcome to rpgcodex.net, a site dedicated to discussing computer based role-playing games in a free and open fashion. We're less strict than other forums, but please refer to the rules.

    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.
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  • I clicked on the link.
    It took me to a greek site.
    I write reviews for that site, and I added the link to my signature so that it gets spammed every time I post, thus indirectly boosting our SEO rankings.

    The site is also full of trojans and keyloggers so that we can steal your moneyz and cover our national debt.
    Nice beard.
    no homo
    OK, I have to ask. What's with the ` at the beginning of your name? Did you put that there by mistake?
    The username "Hellion" without the "`" was already taken by some user with zero posts when I first tried to register, so I added that "`" to avoid the hassle of having to think of another username.
    User Hellion has never posted and in fact, there is no record of him ever logging in (probably happened before we moved to Xenforo). I'll swap your names.
    a friendly machine
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