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  • I was being ironic with my shitpost since the lyrics, in today's context, just reek of projection. Replicating by themselves today what they decried in imperial times (lyrics were written by Samiylenko in the late 19th century). Especially funny when the original author ended up going back to the liberated (Soviet) Ukraine to spend his last days. :M
    Heroic Liberator
    I see, thanks for the clarification, I just was ehm, surprised by the video and whole tone of that song :D
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Yeah, I just enjoy sharing music and what not by way of tangents, but realized that I might've committed a faux pas in this case. Wouldn't want my Tatar bro to think less of me))

    Another song for the rossiyskiy Tatar bro))
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Also realized that you haven't been posting for quite a while. Hope you're alright. :love:
    I'm alive, but not exactly alright- got Hashimoto's disease after the coof, found out it early in the spring. Now I'm in a semi-permanent Fentanyl Floyd mode (can't properly breathe)
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    I'm sorry to hear that, man. Should be manageable with the right medication without impacting your quality of life too much, right?
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