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Jack Of Owls
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  • You still with us?
    Jack Of Owls
    Jack Of Owls
    Hello there, my friend Yes, still around but I hardly ever play games anymore and I've put myself out to pasture and retired to an old forum I used to visit where they're even more ancient than myself ;) But if and when I start playing games again, you can rest assured I'll be back, as Arnuld once said. Take care of yourself and stay safe!
    I miss your anecdotes.
    Cry harder, bitch
    Jack Of Owls
    Jack Of Owls
    Must be your trademark or something, to respond this way with every negative button you get. I won't judge you. You're the one that has to live in your own head and from what I've seen from you, that can't be easy. Get well soon.
    You mentioned that you could buy lots of current prices GPU's.
    Consider all that money lays unused, while a drop of it could relief the poor from their pain be it hunger or cold.
    The suggestion is to use some of it for the poor such as buying food to place it where they can find it if not given directly.
    A codex Christian actually advocating Christian morals? Now I have seen it all...
    Jack Of Owls
    Jack Of Owls
    The problem is you never know what you're giving to with charitable donations these days. I don't want to be helping some christian organization to feed and save the children and end up subsidizing some minister or administer in charge of the organization's funds sex vacation in Bangkok with underage thai boys. I have considered leaving my money to some worthy cause when I die tho
    That is why placing/giving food was suggested since its difficult to convert food into money or drugs.
    A donation/charity not in bulk but in occasional or daily habit. Unless their is a lock-down preventing such acts?
    There goes the last vestiges of personal dignity & self-worth when you let random codex ratings rule your emotions.
    Will you ever SHUT THE FUCK UP
    I'm not killing myself only because a year ago rusty gave me a :funny: rating
    Do you have the SLIGHTEST concept of what the "edgy" rating actually means? Are you an imbecile? You won't get away with this.
    My goal in life is to gall you; to turn up my disco and disturb my neighbor, so I will not correct the spelling of Massachoochoosettes.
    You tryin to say that Trunalimunumaprzure, Badakathcare, and Fweedom don't bring a smile to your face? Do you have a lump of coal in place of your heart?
    Jack Of Owls
    Jack Of Owls
    *voice of Boris Karloff narrating The Grinch Who Stole Christmas* "His heart was two sizes too small."
    Fun fact about me: Massachusetts is my favourite state
    Jack Of Owls
    Jack Of Owls
    No complaints here, bro. Our governor of the Commonwealth Charlie is BOSS... and I hate republicans ;)
    How did you get past the pressure plates puzzles in EotB2 for NWN1? I tried putting rations on the plates in order but it doesn't work.
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