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  • time to go to sleep for me rin-chan. need to be somewhat fresh in the morning to work for my liege's new porsche.
    Can use the puddle of piss you left in the backyard, should be quite fresh by now.
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    sleeping on a pool of piss, reminds me of good old sims 2.
    Would you be interested in playing in my AD&D 2E game? We use Discord for voice and Tabletop Simulator for actual play. Details are in my post in the Gazebo.
    Hey bro, much as id like to, Im short on time lately, ridiculously so. I do wish you the very best with your campaign.
    Bummer man. I hope your schedule clears up.
    There is often a significant difference in temperature between the two masses. One mass is warm, while the other is cold. The warmer air rises, and the cooler air falls. Likewise, the low pressure area slides down the sides of the high pressure area. They swirl in and around one another, creating the beginnings of the storm.
    Lhynn: The fight against the lizard that came from the portal actually stumped me, i couldnt win

    Do you mean the cinematic fight where you play as a solo Paladin? That was a bad fight. You just need to survive for 5 rounds and you win. Start the encounter by running into a corner to limit how many lizards can attack you and just wait it out.
    What's absurd is that I think they amped up the difficulty of that encounter in one of their patches. It was a bit easier when the game first came out, or at least I remember fewer lizards
    No, the fight after the big magical library. Where you fight that army of lizards with a high level wizard one.
    Hey, have you played Ho Tu Lo Shu? It's so damn good.
    Lyre Mors
    Lyre Mors
    Makes this awesome game more than playable imo. Just have to do some mental editing.
    Is it serviceable like "tales of wuxia" ?
    Lyre Mors
    Lyre Mors
    If you remember some of the translation as it begins to degrade in quality later in the game in Tale of Wuxia, it's around that I'd say. Bumpy, jumbled, riddled with errors, but serviceable. I honestly have a little fun piecing it back together in my head.
    Wow, didn't know bros rated each others post cuck.

    Lame dude.
    Lyre Mors
    Lyre Mors
    I know the actual "game" parts are good, which is what's frustrating. I'd like to enjoy those parts without having to see anime guy rape underage anime girl. It's funny how unpopular of an opinion that is around here.
    You would be surprised at how much people are willing to put up with if the gameplay is decent. Heck, even if it isnt, for the sake of minmaxing im sure a lot of faggots here took it in the ass from Anders.
    Lyre Mors
    Fucking butthurt freak. Hate the truth, don't you, you faggit cuck! KYS
    Hello commie, how are you friend?
    We get to debate the quality of dins curse soon, man. Are you excited?
    Are you hype for their new game?
    DakaSha V
    DakaSha V
    I reported them to the FBI for this shit
    The FBI doesnt care
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