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  • You are aware that NATO has tanks and IFV made recently right? [...] a country offers some 80s stuff while being in the process of replacing it with new stuff (case for France, Sweden, USA etc).
    Lmao if you once again relies on French or Swedish army. It is completely wrong since France lost its armement industry in the 2000s. They can't even make Leclercs anymore.
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Not the army operating on the African former colonies (Thanks to a defense treaty when they split from the empire) but the foreign legion. The same doesn't either operate tanks, only light vehicles/IFV. [1/2]
    niggas gonna pretend caesar howitzers dont exist, that caracal choppers dont exist etc etc
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    On french military industry, they still have a descent base even if majority of the companies are now either owned by BAE or Co-owned with the Germans as in the case of the Nexter and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (Makers of mostly of the tanks and associated equipment for both countries). [2/2]
    Why you still don't have ukraine tag?
    Why would I? I openly stated and state I didn't like Ukraine before and I barely like it now. Enemy of my enemy may be my friend but more often its merely a friendship of convenience.
    You deserve the tag, yes. I'm very disappointed in you.
    The profile picture, which game is it from?
    BG2 n00b
    Haven't played that one yet.
    What can I say, I love the 2D art, and the guy from my avatar is my perfect sarcastic NPC
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