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  • I made use of the cake box deal at Starbucks, but not ONLY did they mess up my order and put two basque cakes in there, they also forgot the chocolate cake. I had to drop everything off, then go all the way BACK to pick up the last cake. If you're planning on outsourcing development to Chyna, I'm warning you against it.
    My gf keeps making me eat. I don't like eatin'. Not one bit.
    Do you have any thoughts about adventure gnomes in VR? Interesting interactive mechanics?
    They seem analogous to escape rooms, but missing the tactile pleasure.
    What is your daily limit for coffee? I feel like if I drink 4 cups or more I feel very agitated throughout the day.
    Bigg Boss
    Bigg Boss
    When I drink one large coffee my arms start to tingle and go numb but I guess that is the intended effect? It could also be all the sugar I add I guess.
    A horse of course
    that doesn't sound normal
    I intake limitless amount of covffeefe.
    tell ur contacts in the Chinese government to lift the Shanghai lockdown

    im hungry
    do you have any links to the slovakian gnoming industry

    im doin spellcross next
    I have no links anywhere these days, alas.
    A horse of course
    u have links to my heart
    Are you friends with Hubert Chardot?
    A horse of course
    Do you know ANYONE from Infogrames?
    I don't think so.
    A horse of course
    You know Murray, I'm starting to wonder what I pay you for.
    thanks for NOTHING

    i had to research the topic of sexuality in Dune MYSELF

    i wuz gonna reference pillars of the earf in the video butt nao imma reference a DIFFERENT adaptation
    imma start a review of Cryo's Dune (1992) in a few weeks.

    pls give me an interesting quote about Dune from PRIMORDIA DEVELOPER WORMWOOD STUDIOS (TM) that i can put in the video

    wud be particularly helpful if it involves sex, cos imma review the porn remake of it too
    dune should have had alien babes with three boobs
    A horse of course
    rusty, do you mind? I'm trying to have a SERIOUS discussion about Dune hentai here
    Give me a rundown of ur average day
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    That was not your original work MRY, now was it? Guess how I know? Too few adjectives. :)
    It’s Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain. Amazing book. Some small influence on Primordia, though too convoluted to explain.
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    Death in Venice plot would fit Codex better. >_>
    do u still make games
    Heroic Liberator
    A horse of course
    that's what i said
    Did I ever make games?

    Anyway, FG is still in progress.
    MRY anon! Good strong friend anon! Do you know MY]R たかまくらん anon! Do you!
    A horse of course
    this is MY celebrity!!!!!!!!! MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anonymous Wife Scholar
    Anonymous Wife Scholar
    Do not worry anon it is okay anon because I do love cute あたらしいゲーム wifes game anon! I do! I do love good strong たかまくらん friend anon anon! I do! You are a good strong friend anon!
    I checked the official twitter but didn't see a statement on Guinea. What is Wormwood Studio's official position? Do they support the forces loyal to President Alpha Condé, or will they be establishing formal ties with the National Committee for Reconciliation and Development?
    Bye, bye Miss American Pie
    Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
    And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
    Singin' this'll be the day that I MRY
    This'll be the day that I MRY
    You should make a blog to de-stress. Review bagels or something comfy like that.
    A horse of course
    Be careful though, bagels are pretty calorie-heavy. When I was in university I ate quite a lot of those brown bagels with raisins. Put on a few pounds tbqh.
    Darth Roxor
    Darth Roxor
    a few pounds that you never lost fatty
    Hello my friend.
    Today I will be playing Primordia for the first time.
    It's Kalin. You've probably got him blocked so you can't see.
    A horse of course
    1 Cosmic Bane 412
    2 IncendiaryDevice 7,407
    3 Kalin 1,868,252
    4 Mr. Hiver 705
    5 Wild Slop 2,175

    Wild Slop
    Wild Slop
    What did I do?
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