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Parsimonious cook
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  • Bro, we Potatoes have historical reasons for our... special appreciation... of R*ssia. You, a Pepik, seem to... appreciate... them equally. But why? You never bordered them. Prague Spring?
    I do, actually. Rather poorly, as we had a different teacher each year at the high school, bu I do none the less. But make no mistake, Russia is as pozzed, just in different areas.
    Frank Capicoli
    Frank Capicoli
    "Not nearly as funny as watching western cucks trying to build the communism we escaped from a moment ago."

    That just makes it even funnier considering all your leaders are prepped to rimjob these supposed western communists.
    penis ;)
    Terrible avatar, do you host standard fuck parties?
    Parsimonious cook
    Parsimonious cook
    No, I do not. Thanks for the input though I got to say that as a big fun of Emperor of the Fading Suns I have to respectfully disagree. Hyram of house Decados is a pretty swell dude.
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