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  • Also more generally, explore religion/spirituality/mysticism. The issue is that there are a lot of religions/spiritual traditions, because there are a lot of different people. What will appeal to one will not appeal to another. So explore them all and find the one that jives with you. The exact details aren't always so important,
    as one monk said it so well, there are many paths up the mountain, but they all lead to the same place.

    But it's important to have some connection to the meta-physical. Otherwise, life is just a short trip where you get older and sicker, and until then, a lot of other "interesting" shit happens. :) But when you are grounded in a larger picture, it's not so bad.
    Fedora Master
    Fedora Master
    Not a very good attitude for a Paladin
    More like PorkyTheHippie
    Have you done any more writing recently? I read the Fallout Sitcom the other day, way ahead of its time in a world where everyone's still aping Seinfeld more or less
    Hi Gimp, I've made a few stories lately but they are mostly about getting a dick in my butthole. I don't know if I could ever match my magnum opus which was Fallout Sitcom but I do have some other stories I would like to tell. I'll let you know when I release them!
    And where's the excitement in an ordinary life filled with ordinary people?

    The answer is, of course, that there is none.
    It's the bad boys who win; the rogues, the rascals. Guys like Sam Flynn or James Bond. Guys like Wolverine from the X-Men. Men who can't be tamed or taught or tied down. Just... held onto for a while, before the wild calls them away once more.
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