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  • I'm creeping towards 40 but I still have all my hair. Wish me luck!
    The Brotherhood, from South Africa
    Messages: 1,066 Ratings: +4,084 / 196 / -1 Kodex Kool Kredits: 2,547
    Viewing thread WOULD?, A moment ago
    there's a tiny hole in my wall

    sometimes I have nightmares about things coming out of it
    Infinitron is trying to gaslight you. Don't fall for his psyop.
    Ed is at it again, natural born actor this one, oi look at me bruv, ey I'm your bro yo, yeah right, best chum until push comes to shove and he's the first motherfucker to rend you
    I'm so confused!
    finally picked desolation. I've been promised some boy and his dog experience. I got my dog but it cant scan for females. Is my game build broken?
    also wanted to give high praise. Recently played a lot of games for like 10min each, just couldnt get hooked. You guyz nailed initial experience. Its like a new show you find out and want to binge watch 2 seasons during single night, based on opening
    and so many movies come to my mind as reference, will die antwoord jump on me at some point?
    Honestly at some point I stopped counting the references. There are a ton of little south africanisms dotted around. Some Stargate. It think there is a Magnum PI one.
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