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  • Home got broken into, took our car and my bike. I'm scared they'll be back.
    If you don't hear from me it means the worst. Thanks Codex for the laughs and support.
    If you do hear from me LUL NOTHINGBURGER. I'm in a fairly dark place right now.

    I'll try to keep in touch.
    I've got a story I need to tell, Hopefully I get to tell this story some day.

    Your friend - Robot Squirrel.
    I really screwed up just then, I took some photos of people doing suspicious shit in my neighbourhood and they just threatend to beat the shit out of me. (never mind they're on CCTV). But I wanted higher quality than my cameras put out. Anyway yeah we're back to me being in fear of my life again.
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    Jonathan "Zee Nekomimi
    too bad you in cuckstralia, i would suggest you get a gun. Time to move to japan :troll:
    I managed to de-escalate things with the guy, I think it was mainly him trying to be macho in front of his girlfriend. But I explained to him we all had too much to lose here, that the gang is on the warpath. So I passed the Charisma check and rolled a natural 20 and managed to not get my ass kicked. Yay I guess.
    I figure I'd post it here rather than the Conan thread because its a big tangent from the failure that was Conan Chain Chop which was the least of their problems. Philip was chugging copium hard.
    Shane being CEO basically condemns the studio to an NFT driven hell. I have personal reasons in my distrust of Shane that I won't go into here. This is probably the worst possible outcome.
    Shane became CEO, Shane resigned as CEO, Brought in former ABC Head, She was then usurped out of the role. Now there's a shareholder revolt and they're looking for a buyer for the studio.
    Lesson to be learned, be careful who you do business with in this industry, don't steal money from the government and most importantly don't flush a profitable business down the toilet by taking it to an IPO.
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