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Wormwood Studios Drama - Victor Pflug trying to get exclusive ownership of Primordia

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 26, 2013
Fortress of Solitude
Victor Pflug seems like they figured out you are bit of a wacko and then decided to abuse that knowledge to fuck you over. Glad you are standing your ground, but professional legal help is a must in this case. Not sure if any crowdfunding makes sense, though.

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
Victor Pflug seems like they figured out you are bit of a wacko and then decided to abuse that knowledge to fuck you over. Glad you are standing your ground, but professional legal help is a must in this case. Not sure if any crowdfunding makes sense, though.
Thanks yeah - seems like something along those lines.

I'll post some more context - but it really depends on how much my posts get moved/deleted etc by mods here from this point because dozens were deleted the other week.

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
So you are accusing mods to have your posts deleted? Didn't you all but say to have them deleted yourself?
Several pages seem to have disappeared from this thread since this morning...
Victor has deleted most of his posts.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

What happened; when this started up more recently here (finding myself being a Codex historian isn't a position I thought I'd ever find myself in lol) but here is what actually happened;

1) I jumped into my Primordia thread a while ago and posted some artwork - the Primordia art I posted was design notes and sketches sent to my team

2) James Spanos AKA Dualnames seemed to take issue with my mentioning along with my Primordia design notes - offhandedly - the factual, actual date he was hired by me (attached*)

3) Dualnames seemed to be angered by these facts, and then began heatedly posting the legal documents my legal team had sent to my publisher's legal team, (the letters from my lawyers to Dave Gilbert's lawyer) in the thread along with many inaccuracies as to;

a) Vastly misrepresenting what occurred during my audit request from DaveGilbert
b) Heaps of vitreol I that seemed to come from a misguided position**

4) I then - naturally - began to rebut, refute and completely debunk James' wild claims about my motives and actions with - unlike what he had posted - I posted FULL context, full email chains and full chat logs

5) My rebuttals to James' lies were then deleted by Infinitron, though he left James ranting lying vitriolic manifesto up for quite a while, only deleting my rebuttals etc

6) Madness unfolded - posts shot around from left to right being deleted chopped changed and shuffled around

7) All the posts from the Primordia thread including my original artwork only posts were deleted and the whole mess that James created was neatly wiped clean by Infinitron (or another mod who knows but I think Inifini took credit? It's crafty censorship either way so yeah *shrugs* kinda lame)

8) Uh, yeah some time went by now here we are - more lies were told and then redistributed by the WEG network online - to, I suppose, attempt vainly to still cover WEG's just complete mishandling and now obstinate refusal to honour ANY part of the Primordia contract.

So here I am, back again with some cold hard stone creamery facts ;)

* Included the letter to James when I hired him 6 months into the production of Primordia - I had coded most of the game, and most of Metropol (60% of Primordia was coded by me technically speaking and I have that email chain too) so yeah James was not at all on board Primordia until 6 (or more) months into production. Also included the latter where I fired him, too. I think the second one is why James has this misguided beef with me - I think he just has a personal problem with me. Anyway that's neither here nor there, and just conjecture on my part.

What ISN'T conjecture is the timeline I laid out about in my Primordia thread on the codex, that's all factual. Same with the hiring and firing of James here as a side note.

**Will note here once and for all - that I absolutely unequivocally never wanted to take any money James was owed under my contract with WEG contract (percentage is RIGHT THERE) - believe what you want but James *would* have received part of Dave's share, from my publishing Primordia, if Dave had not denied my termination of the Primordia Publishing and Distribution Agreement - and essentially taken my game hostage, at this point in time.


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Head Codexian Weeb
Nov 14, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
You posted an email of you firing a guy 'just cause', and you signed it 'your back-stabbing friend', lol.

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
You posted an email of you firing a guy 'just cause', and you signed it 'your back-stabbing friend', lol.
I'm a game dev - not a saint. I was also joking to try to lighten the blow to someone I obviously did care about on a personal level so let's not dance around here too much.

The one line that stands out to me now, though, is where Dualnames pointedly mentions in response to my firing him; "I'm just sorry I didn't sell you (out) when I had the chance"

I wonder what he meant by that, in hindsight, honestly.

Feels like he found that chance more recently lol but hey again - that is now just conjecture on my part.

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009

Why is the table using a different font?

This was printed out in 2010 made I'm guessing on WEG's copy of Microsoft Office from 1998 so my guess is the tables feature of whatever this was made in, used different fonts.

If your suggestion is that I in some way faked a photograph of a printer contract signed clearly in ink by Dave Gilbert of @WadjetEyeGames and myself (with coffee stains even) was somehow altered by someone?

No, it was not.

This is the original, & only Primordia Publishing & Distribution contract in existence, in it's complete, entire and absolutely unaltered form.

In fact now that you mention it ds here's the first 6 pages (of 7) of the contract for Primordia in their entirety (attached) - the last page I am yet to post to my Twitter so I'll add that here later for completions sake (page 7 contains only our signatures & clause 13.2 - litigation clause)

P.S The last page is, by the way, the signing page signed solely myself ("Developer") and DaveGilbert of WEG ("Publisher") so if anyone wants to discuss 3rd party rights in a NY law contract and how they cannot change the spirit of any original contract, or the concept of "meeting of minds" or even more interestingly (to me at least) the concept of "contra proferentem" - yeah I'd love to discuss. Let's go.


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Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
5) My rebuttals to James' lies were then deleted by Infinitron, though he left James ranting lying vitriolic manifesto up for quite a while, only deleting my rebuttals etc

6) Madness unfolded - posts shot around from left to right being deleted chopped changed and shuffled around

7) All the posts from the Primordia thread including my original artwork only posts were deleted and the whole mess that James created was neatly wiped clean by Infinitron (or another mod who knows but I think Inifini took credit? It's crafty censorship either way so yeah *shrugs* kinda lame)

Wasn't this just posts being moved back and forth between the different threads? I believe this thread was in Gaming Drama originally. Then there's the primordia and hibernaculum threads that probably had some drama spillover too. James's post was in the primordia thread I think?

I note that you never say that you deleted anything here, so it's back to coldcrows original question; didn't you say yourself that you deleted your posts?

I think it's more likely you got confused by posts moving around and James deleting his own post, than mods going in and deleting your posts for no clear reason.

Infinitron post moderator action report for this thread plz

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
5) My rebuttals to James' lies were then deleted by Infinitron, though he left James ranting lying vitriolic manifesto up for quite a while, only deleting my rebuttals etc

6) Madness unfolded - posts shot around from left to right being deleted chopped changed and shuffled around

7) All the posts from the Primordia thread including my original artwork only posts were deleted and the whole mess that James created was neatly wiped clean by Infinitron (or another mod who knows but I think Inifini took credit? It's crafty censorship either way so yeah *shrugs* kinda lame)

Wasn't this just posts being moved back and forth between the different threads? I believe this thread was in Gaming Drama originally. Then there's the primordia and hibernaculum threads that probably had some drama spillover too. James's post was in the primordia thread I think?

I note that you never say that you deleted anything here, so it's back to coldcrows original question; didn't you say yourself that you deleted your posts?

I think it's more likely you got confused by posts moving around and James deleting his own post, than mods going in and deleting your posts for no clear reason.

Infinitron post moderator action report for this thread plz
No, it wasn't just that.

My art/design posts, just me talking about how I designed Primordia in my Primordia thread and mentioned James actual factual hire date that pissed James off - have been deleted from the Primordia thread, they weren't anywhere else when I checked then or now and yeah they are only me talking about how I made Primordia - so not at all fucking drama lol why should it even be a thing they *could* be moved here (again, they weren't when I twice checked they were just deleted - I have SS)

Notably also James rant & lies etc with my legal docs were left in my Primordia thread for a day or two after my design/art posts were deleted.

My posts were me merely talking about my role in designing Primordia and MRY post in my Primordia thread was left there as well as of now. So yeah - just diff rules for me vs Dualnames and MRY

This is a lot of bullshit over my design only posts being deleted, James rant was left. It's my Primordia thread anyway but just whatever man - it's a minor point and this isn't the real issue anyway. My audit is.

Victor Pflug

Wormwood Studios
Aug 17, 2009
5) My rebuttals to James' lies were then deleted by Infinitron, though he left James ranting lying vitriolic manifesto up for quite a while, only deleting my rebuttals etc

6) Madness unfolded - posts shot around from left to right being deleted chopped changed and shuffled around

7) All the posts from the Primordia thread including my original artwork only posts were deleted and the whole mess that James created was neatly wiped clean by Infinitron (or another mod who knows but I think Inifini took credit? It's crafty censorship either way so yeah *shrugs* kinda lame)

Wasn't this just posts being moved back and forth between the different threads? I believe this thread was in Gaming Drama originally. Then there's the primordia and hibernaculum threads that probably had some drama spillover too. James's post was in the primordia thread I think?

I note that you never say that you deleted anything here, so it's back to coldcrows original question; didn't you say yourself that you deleted your posts?

I think it's more likely you got confused by posts moving around and James deleting his own post, than mods going in and deleting your posts for no clear reason.

Infinitron post moderator action report for this thread plz

I'm not confused at all bro - I have the screenshots right in front of me.

I'd post them now but I just have more important shit to handle atm - maybe later.

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