Beta Updates (New - UI, Portraits, Cleric, Dying System, and Character Creator)
There is now also a new game start option that will be fleshed out with more of the updates soon. However for now this will allow you to customize your starting party as well as customize the first party member's stats based on several questions similar to many old school RPGs.
The previous default template sandbox game starts will still persist but most of the content for update 2 milestone will fall in this category based on your choices. For the other starts they may just randomly appear.
Also, with this update all character portraits have been updated in preparation for the barbershop coming soon. This will provide a lot more customization options going forward along with the ability to easily add more combinations going forward for the game's sake.
The store's page will be updated once all this hits the full live branch next week assuming no major issues.
Also, due to the new introduction of the healer, when a character hits 0 hit points in combat, you now have 3 turns for which to save the member. Healing them or ending combat quickly are multiple ways to save said unlucky member. Based on feedback this may change, but also will likely be a customized option by the end of the milestone if you wish to not use this.
For full patch notes you can take a peek over at :
Patch Notes