Tags: Mount & Blade
<a href="http://www.taleworlds.com/">Tale Worlds</a> has released a new version of <b>Mount & Blade</b>. There's the <a href="http://www.taleworlds.com/download/mountandblade_0704_setup.exe">full download for .704</a> and the <A href="http://www.taleworlds.com/download/mountandblade_0704_upgrade.exe">.704 patch</a> for those who are playing a lower version. Here's some changes:
<ul><li>Fixed bug with couched lance doing 0 damage.
<li>Four Ways inn is back again
<li>Tavernkeepers get fresh recruits normally.</ul>
Also, there's new information about <A href="http://forums.taleworlds.net/viewtopic.php?t=5408">the module system</a> which will allow people to make the own mods for the game.
Got to love those wacky Turks.
Thanks, <b>Balor</b>!
<a href="http://www.taleworlds.com/">Tale Worlds</a> has released a new version of <b>Mount & Blade</b>. There's the <a href="http://www.taleworlds.com/download/mountandblade_0704_setup.exe">full download for .704</a> and the <A href="http://www.taleworlds.com/download/mountandblade_0704_upgrade.exe">.704 patch</a> for those who are playing a lower version. Here's some changes:
<ul><li>Fixed bug with couched lance doing 0 damage.
<li>Four Ways inn is back again
<li>Tavernkeepers get fresh recruits normally.</ul>
Also, there's new information about <A href="http://forums.taleworlds.net/viewtopic.php?t=5408">the module system</a> which will allow people to make the own mods for the game.
Got to love those wacky Turks.
Thanks, <b>Balor</b>!