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Review Arx Review at AVault


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Arx Fatalis

<a href="http://www.avault.com/">AVault</a> has posted a <A href="http://www.avault.com/reviews/review_temp.asp?game=arxfatal">review</a> of <A href="http://www.arxfatalis-online.com">Arx Fatalis</a>, which gives the game a <b>2/5</b> for <i>gameplay</i>, and a <b>2.5/5</b> for the <i>overall</i>:
<blockquote>It would be easy to overlook Arx Fatalis. With an outstanding number of flaws, including unforgivable gameplay issues out of the box, it'd be easy for me to tell you to steer clear of it. Since Arx Fatalis confines players to an underground realm and forces them along a linear path with only a limited number of side quests, it'd be easy for me to say that it lacks innovation. The truth of the matter, however, is that the game is completely engrossing, from the horribly narrated opening sequence to the pulse-pounding excitement of the final encounter. What Arx Fatalis lacks in innovation and polish, it more than makes up for in rich atmosphere. Arkane Studios missed the chance to give players a dragon's hoard of goodies, but they've succeeded in delivering a chest full of glittering prizes that no CRPG gamer should miss. </blockquote>
This has to be one of the most confusing reviews ever. <i>It sucks so bad, it's awful but it's got class, go get it</i>. It reminds me of the joke:
<b>Q:</b> What's the definition of <i>mixed emotions</i>?
<b>A:</b> Your mother-in-law driving off a cliff in your new porsche.


Jan 6, 2003
Well I can understand the ambivalence. I often found myself recommending the game to friends with words like "You have to play this game, it's wonderful. But beware, it sucks pretty bad."

I don't think I've ever played a game where the frequent "Oh yes!" are accompanied by such an equal amount of "Oh no!".


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Yeah, that just confuses the hell out of me. It sounds like when you find something that's been in the fridge too long and you go to your roommate/spouse/etc. and say, "Hey, you have to smell this, it's RANK!" ;)

That review absolutely hammers the game, though. It's nearly brutal in some spots, which is why the ending of it confused me where they recommend it.

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