triCritical said:
BTW St. There is a similar thread at tbe BIS boards where you can rag on shadowpaladin again. I have already started.
ShadowPaladin is one of those cases where I believe that the internet is doing humanity a great disservice. He's really stupid and thick headed at the same time and it's really hard to accidentally off yourself while on the internet. Basically, every hour he's on the internet is one less hour free for him to experiment with what kinds of things go in electrical outlets, how long he can hold his breath with the aid of plastics, what he can and can't fit in his throat, what's edible and not poisonous, and so on.
XJEDX said:
Did anyone catch the line about Black Isle wanting to do a MMORPG? Maybe I'll buy three copies of ToEE...
Yeah, I saw that.
Fun Fact: They've already attempted to make one, but didn't have the cash.
GreenNight said:
Well, for me it's not true. Yes, the setting is good, the rules are great, but it was the freedom that caught me. The freedom to wander arround, the freedom to act as I wanted, the freedom to kill, the freedom to spare lifes. It could have been with other rules, in another world, and it would have been equally good.
Troika has it right, BIS has not.
What Feargus doesn't get is that part of what made Fallout a classic was the PnP style the game had. Tim Cain didn't HAVE to impliment the hex based, PnP style combat. It was more work for him and the artists. However, it is the PnP style combat that gives it that great tabletop vibe.
It's not just the world, it's also the mechanics of it. It's almost like MicroProse thinking that X-Com would work if they added real time or Dynamix thinking adding real time would help Cyberstorm 2.
Also, Feargus seems to hear what he wants to hear. When someone says, "
It sucks to have to fight rats in power armor using turn based so late in the game where they can't hurt you.", he hears, "
Turn based sucks". Instead, he should probably hear, "
Don't ever put gobs of pissant monsters in late game areas because it sucks." or "
Where the hell is the autocombat option for encounters I can't possibly lose?"
triCritical said:
I agree, I am starting to think that there is a complete lack in intelligence in management after reading that interview. He is talking about how what reflexive is doing is going to be revolutionary, when there last to game were an ultra-flop and the worst star trek game ever made.
What's funny is, someone asked why they should be interested in Lionheart since Away Team was so awful in the middle of a developer chat. I thought it was a valid question, honestly, so I posted it. It was funny how Lars and Chris Parker reacted to the question. Basically, they didn't answer the question at all. Lars said something like, "I liked Away Team." and Chris Parker got rather mad saying it wasn't appropriate.
Basically, instead of high roading and saying, "Away Team had faults, and here's what I've learned...", we got, "It was a good game." or "Never ask something like that again!" Well, Lars may like it, but he's probably one of the only ones that did, because it was a disaster.
They couldn't handle a serious question about a fault they've had in the past and answer why people should look forward to what they can do. They could have taken a bad situation, Away Team's failure, and made it a good situation by saying it was a learning experience.
Jarinor said:
This part is what I think you guys are overlooking - he says "A real time combat MODE", which suggests to me it might not be real time combat exclusively. Of course, it could mean that, in which case, Fallout is fucked I think.
As pointed out, real time and turn based in one game just doesn't work because it wacks the balance. Also, you have to have design considerations for areas with combat based on how they work in both modes. It's not as simple as, "
Just do both".
Every game I know of that's done it has done it poorly. The most recent game I know of that did it was Fallout Tactics, and for a great example of where map design has to be considered for each combat mode. Play the underground bunker mission with the timing turrets in turn based and you'll see what I'm saying.