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Game News Oblivion world creation devairy at BethSoft


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

For those interested in the landscape, tree, and other stuff being generated by the tools to be included with <a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com">Oblivion</a>, there's a <a href="http://www.bethsoft.com/newsletter/devdiary_3.09.06.html">multipage dev diary</a> about just that on <a href="http://www.bethsoft.com/">Bethesda's homepage</a>. It's pretty exciting and a fun filled rollercoaster ride to read:
<blockquote>Tamriel is starting to come into focus. Using various height adjusting and vertex smoothing brushes (that work very similarly to those you might find in a 2D paint program such as Photoshop) we were able to push and pull the various vertices of the heightfield into a shape that is beginning to resemble a more natural, multi-featured landscape.</blockquote>
Damn, that sounds like fun!
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>


Feb 9, 2006
I suspect preemptive trolling here.

Come on guys, pick apart every sentence of the dev diary and speculate to derive pseudo-facts to bash Bestheda with. To do less is just letting the Codex down.

Really, this attempt fails to encite any urgency to come to Beth's defense.

As it is, I have better things to do like getting my computer set up to mod Oblivion. Now where did I put Maya, Photoshop, ect...?


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Antiphon said:
Really, this attempt fails to encite any urgency to come to Beth's defense.

You mean there will be less Bethesda cockmunchers on the forum? I fail to see the downside to that.


Feb 9, 2006
Saint_Proverbius said:
Antiphon said:
Really, this attempt fails to encite any urgency to come to Beth's defense.

You mean there will be less Bethesda cockmunchers on the forum? I fail to see the downside to that.
You start a thread about Oblivion then bemoan the existence of Bethesda fans here. You're one odd fellow.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Antiphon said:
You start a thread about Oblivion then bemoan the existence of Bethesda fans here. You're one odd fellow.

No, actually, I posted some RPG news on the front page of RPG Codex where the news goes and said it was a boring read. Yes, it is boring. It's hellaboring.

Now shut the fuck up and go back to jacking it to Patrick Stewart sound clips.


Feb 9, 2006
I guess I was right, preemptive trolling.

Honest discussion of the topic was never the intention then was it?


Aug 20, 2005
Come on guys, pick apart every sentence of the dev diary and speculate to derive pseudo-facts to bash Bestheda with. To do less is just letting the Codex down
Are those "preemptive strike" posts new Bethead technique or what?


Feb 9, 2006
micmu said:
Come on guys, pick apart every sentence of the dev diary and speculate to derive pseudo-facts to bash Bestheda with. To do less is just letting the Codex down
Are those "preemptive strike" posts new Bethead technique or what?
I assumed it was the technique being used here after reading previous posts that were basically anti-Beth from the 3 posters before me. I notice that hasn't been denied.

If there is not going to be honest discussion here about the topic, I see no need to continue this conversation.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
micmu said:
Come on guys, pick apart every sentence of the dev diary and speculate to derive pseudo-facts to bash Bestheda with. To do less is just letting the Codex down
Are those "preemptive strike" posts new Bethead technique or what?

Kind of reminds me of the republican party and its instructions to members to call up all the tv shows and say some bullshit.


Jan 24, 2006
Trolling, counter-trolling, counter-counter-trolling, spamming, and sideways political inserts!

Yes, I'm jumping on the bandwagon, head-first.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Antiphon said:
Honest discussion of the topic was never the intention then was it?

Considering you made no attempt to start meaningful discussion about the topic at hand, I'd say we're both in the same boat. In fact, in the three times you smacked that Reply button, you have yet to actually discuss anything about the article at all.

I thought the article was boring. I'd be willing to bet that talking about using photoshop to make height maps and applying erosion to generated terrain is dull in most people's opinions. However, if you thought that was interesting subject matter, you could have very well said so and said why you found it interesting. However, you didn't.

Now, since you're a twit that doesn't have the first fucking clue as to what trolling is, let me point out that this is my forum. Therefore, it is absolutely fucking impossible for me to be trolling here as it is my property. You are the guest here, not me. Now, if I'd posted about how inanely boring I'd found the article on the Bethesda forums, you might have a point about it being trolling rather than just my opinion on the article. However, since this is my forum where I am the one most qualified to state my opinion on something, there is no way, shape, form, or function that it can remotely be considered trolling. This is my house, dumbass.


Aug 20, 2005
Antiphon said:
I assumed it was the technique being used here after reading previous posts that were basically anti-Beth from the 3 posters before me. I notice that hasn't been denied.
I was stating an obvious fact that SpeedTreeCAD (seen on the screenshot) is not a part of the tools (Construction Set) being included/available for download. It was a correction/addition to SP's post and nothing else.


Feb 9, 2006
micmu said:
Antiphon said:
I assumed it was the technique being used here after reading previous posts that were basically anti-Beth from the 3 posters before me. I notice that hasn't been denied.
I was stating an obvious fact that SpeedTreeCAD (seen on the screenshot) is not a part of the tools (Construction Set) being included/available for download. It was a correction/addition to SP's post and nothing else.
Yes, but if you weren't so anti-Beth, you would have mentioned that the premade SpeedTree generated trees can be randomly added to terrain. Or did you not notice that?

Or course they are not going to give us SpeedTree.


Aug 22, 2004
Well, I guess this article is interesting to anyone who is into the modding scene, or are just curious about the "making of" Oblivion.

I found this article the most interesting that Bethesda released about Oblivion. (which is not saying much...)


Feb 9, 2006
Saint_Proverbius said:
Antiphon said:
Honest discussion of the topic was never the intention then was it?

Considering you made no attempt to start meaningful discussion about the topic at hand, I'd say we're both in the same boat. In fact, in the three times you smacked that Reply button, you have yet to actually discuss anything about the article at all.

I thought the article was boring. I'd be willing to bet that talking about using photoshop to make height maps and applying erosion to generated terrain is dull in most people's opinions. However, if you thought that was interesting subject matter, you could have very well said so and said why you found it interesting. However, you didn't.

Now, since you're a twit that doesn't have the first fucking clue as to what trolling is, let me point out that this is my forum. Therefore, it is absolutely fucking impossible for me to be trolling here as it is my property. You are the guest here, not me. Now, if I'd posted about how inanely boring I'd found the article on the Bethesda forums, you might have a point about it being trolling rather than just my opinion on the article. However, since this is my forum where I am the one most qualified to state my opinion on something, there is no way, shape, form, or function that it can remotely be considered trolling. This is my house, dumbass.
I guess I've always took trolling to mean fishing for a fight. I see no reason the owner of a forum can't fish for a fight. That one has the nerve to suggest that is indeed what is going on just earns one a red illiterate above their avatar.

It matters not to me. I was hoping this forum was open to discussion with those that have a different opinion. I guess not. The usefulness of this forum wanes with every vulgar shout down of opposing views.

I really don't need to learn any more about RPGs I guess. Won't do anything more than turn me into someone that can't accept change and be unhappy with the available games, apparently.


Aug 20, 2005
Antiphon said:
Yes, but if you weren't so anti-Beth, you would have mentioned that the premade SpeedTree generated trees can be randomly added to terrain. Or did you not notice that?
Yeah, right. I didn't mention many other things. :roll:
So if you found that innocent post so ANTI BETH you could have quoted me on that.


Aug 23, 2005
Antiphon said:
I was hoping this forum was open to discussion with those that have a different opinion. I guess not.

Posting to question the motives of why someone created a thread doesn't mean you have a different opinion. Dumbass.


Jan 8, 2006
Saint_Proverbius said:
Antiphon said:
Honest discussion of the topic was never the intention then was it?

Considering you made no attempt to start meaningful discussion about the topic at hand, I'd say we're both in the same boat. In fact, in the three times you smacked that Reply button, you have yet to actually discuss anything about the article at all.

I thought the article was boring. I'd be willing to bet that talking about using photoshop to make height maps and applying erosion to generated terrain is dull in most people's opinions. However, if you thought that was interesting subject matter, you could have very well said so and said why you found it interesting. However, you didn't.

Now, since you're a twit that doesn't have the first fucking clue as to what trolling is, let me point out that this is my forum. Therefore, it is absolutely fucking impossible for me to be trolling here as it is my property. You are the guest here, not me. Now, if I'd posted about how inanely boring I'd found the article on the Bethesda forums, you might have a point about it being trolling rather than just my opinion on the article. However, since this is my forum where I am the one most qualified to state my opinion on something, there is no way, shape, form, or function that it can remotely be considered trolling. This is my house, dumbass.

You're going to get heated up over someone calling you a troll?

Hot damn, i wish i had health regeneration and a weakness to fire... Well, anyhow... I'm about to make my post on your forum.

The article was boring.

More or less, that's all i could get out about the article. But you two can go on argueing. Hell, that's why i come to the codex. So much emotion.


Feb 9, 2006
Alright, aren't people flamed when they don't search first? Well, I searched and found evidence that the posters before me would probably lash out at anyone who thought anything positive about the dev diary. Seemed like others might need the warning.

Anyway, apart from the somewhat flowery rhetoric, I think it's a good diary entry. It gives us a little more detail about the CS and a glimpse at creating terrain. Instead of hand painting and "planting" the landscape it can mostly be done automatically with the tools they provide. While SpeedTree is not included, apparently modders will be able to randomly place any of the games existing trees automatically. The diary makes it look incredibly easy to create realistic terrains.

This should be a great benefit for modders of Oblivion which I plan to be. Hours saved with automation could be used to, say, make more involved and complex quests.

It just may be that modding mainstream games will be the only way Codexers get as much as they can out of big production type games of the present and future. I also think that popular mods get noticed by the devs and have a chance of being implemented in future games.

I was hoping the Codex would be a place Oblivion modders could hang out and avoid the kids' chit chat at ESF. It's not looking that way at the moment.


Feb 15, 2003
Codex retirement
Antiphon said:
I was hoping the Codex would be a place Oblivion modders could hang out and avoid the kids' chit chat at ESF.
Well, you're 0 for 2 with that statement there, aren't you?

Actual question: Why do people buy games just to mod them? And, of all the engines one can get, why embark immediately on replacing huge chunks of RPG code? You'll never be able to make the large-scale mechanics changes that invariably get promised to/by the mod community, and the engines tend to run like shit by comparison to others.

Seriously, with all the cheap engines out there, why subject yourself to the likes of the Morrowind, NWN, and Avernum scripting languages? Hell, even Second Life lets you sell your creations and make some dough.

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