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Interview Bloodmoon Q&A over at RPG Vault


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon

There's an <a href="http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/390/390344p1.html?fromint=1&submit.x=42&submit.y=19">interview</a> with <b>Ashley Cheng</b> of the <a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/index.php?url=/games/bloodmoon_overview.htm&bg=09">Morrowind: Bloodmoon</a> development team over at <A href="Http://rpgvault.ign.com">RPG Vault</a> for those interested in werewolves, snow, and other fun things. Here's a clip:
<blockquote><b>Jonric: How will Bloodmoon tie into Morrowind and Tribunal in terms of its story and settings? As well, given that Tribunal is widely regarded as less open-ended than Morrowind, what is your target in this regard for Bloodmoon?
Ashley Cheng:</b> Well, you see, we never thought that anyone would actually kill Vivec. I mean, he's a god, for Vivec's sake. Why would you do this? Do you have any idea what a pain it was to handle all the different states for Vivec as we were writing Tribunal's storyline? And then some tough guy decides he's going to take Azura's Star and soul capture Vivec?? What the hell are you going to do with Vivec in your pocket???
Um, so where was I?
We intentionally kept the expansion pack storylines independent of anything going on in Vvardenfell so that anyone could experience the expansion packs at any time. For Bloodmoon, we wanted to go back to the open-ended feel of Morrowind, where you would just go if you wanted to see what was over the next hill, where you didn't care what quests you had open, where all you wanted to do was explore the world. We created a brand new island with lots of dungeons and tombs and lakes and forests to explore.</blockquote>
Why would you want a Vivec in your pocket? I think it'd be worth it for the <i>Or are you just happy to see me?</i> jokes.
Spotted this at <a href="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's</a>.

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