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Interview Hellgate: London chit chat at RPG Vault


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Hellgate: London

<a href="http://rpgvault.ign.com/">RPG Vault</a> has a <a href="http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/716/716034p1.html">three page interview</a> with <b>Bill Roper</b> about <A href="http://www.hellgatelondon.com">Hellgate: London</a>. Here's a great bit about who will enjoy the game:
<blockquote><b>Jonric: Given the play experience you're creating, is it correct to assume you believe Hellgate: London will appeal to a broad range of gamers?
Bill Roper:</b> Based on the feedback we have received when showing the game at events such as E3, we think that Hellgate: London will appeal to a wide variety of gamers. If you played Diablo, this will be a must-have. Beyond that, if you enjoy action-packed, fast-paced games with a lot of character, you'll like Hellgate: London. If you like to set your own pace of play, Hellgate: London will appeal to you as well.
Want to be part of a massive online community with continuing content? We have that as well in our multiplayer model. Want to solo your way through the entire experience whether offline or on - you can make that choice too. Have you wanted an FPS with an amazing amount of weapons that are all customizable AND a character whose skills you can hone along with your own? Yep. You guessed it. Check out Hellgate: London.
Seriously, we believe that the game has an amazingly broad appeal, and that players from a variety of game genres will have a blast with it.</blockquote>
I thought it wasn't a FPS. Damn all these conflicting statements.
<b>EDIT:</b> There's also <a href="http://www.hellgateguru.com/interview2.php">an interview</a> at <a href="http://www.hellgateguru.com/">Hellgate Guru</a>.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.shacknews.com">Shack News</A>


Jul 21, 2005
Hellgate: London will be very successful. It's basically Diablo 2 in 3d, with all the polish and play balance that goes along with that. Unfortunately that means it will be delayed, but it will sell over a million units and lots of people will continue to play it for years (since it will be free online), just like Diablo 2.

The difference between Hellgate and Oblivion is that Hellgate will actually be fun to play.


Oct 21, 2004
I dunno.

Rex likes it and it's not out yet, that's a recipie for disaster.


Jul 21, 2005
...oh and the fact that at least they are honest about what type of game they are making. If you like Diabo 2 you will like Hellgate...you don't like Diabo 2 then you won't like...

Although you could have said that about Oblivion, if you assumed it was going to be just like Morrowind. Unfortunately it was much less.


May 19, 2005
They are not being honest, that statement is so vague you can shove pretty much anything in it.

You cannot have a "fast action" with "take your time" without end up being some kind of shit neither side will like.

The fact it published by Namco says a lot, Namco is shit as a publisher and have ZERO presence in europe, I am somewhat curious how a company is going to publish a game set in London when they cannot handle the game distibution in London ... not that it matters for Flagship Studios since they are based in the US.

So why the FUCK sould I care about a game that have about 0.1% chances of seeing sold in shops to start with?


Jul 21, 2005
You cannot have a "fast action" with "take your time" without end up being some kind of shit neither side will like.

What are you talking about? Hellgate isn't Baldurs Gate or Fallout. It's a fast action mindless game. It's just an iteration of Diablo 2.

The fact it published by Namco says a lot, Namco is shit as a publisher and have ZERO presence in europe, I am somewhat curious how a company is going to publish a game set in London when they cannot handle the game distibution in London ... not that it matters for Flagship Studios since they are based in the US.

Who cares who publishes the game. We already know what type of game it is.

So why the FUCK sould I care about a game that have about 0.1% chances of seeing sold in shops to start with?

Are you drunk, or 12?

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
They are not being honest, that statement is so vague you can shove pretty much anything in it.
What's so vague about calling the game an Action RPG that can be described as "Diablo II meets Half Life"? That pretty much explains what the game is about.

You cannot have a "fast action" with "take your time" without end up being some kind of shit neither side will like.
It isn't an either/or situation. It's like vanilla and chocolate. Nobody's saying you can't enjoy one or the other, or even both. Diablo 2 was very much that kind of game. You could take your time with the game and play it at your own pace or you could rush all the way to Hell in 2 hours. Clearly, you lack reading comprehension if you thought they meant anything else. It's all in the context.

The fact it published by Namco says a lot, Namco is shit as a publisher and have ZERO presence in europe, I am somewhat curious how a company is going to publish a game set in London when they cannot handle the game distibution in London ... not that it matters for Flagship Studios since they are based in the US.
Straw man argument. What does the publisher have to do with what kind of game it is?

So why the FUCK sould I care about a game that have about 0.1% chances of seeing sold in shops to start with?
You don't. Nobody's forcing you to. Shut the fuck up.


May 19, 2005
They keep milking Diablo 2 name...

Diablo 2 was made by Blizzard, they might worked on Blizzard and in Diablo but what does that mean?

Nothing, the team and company are diferent and the game is diferent, its not Diablo 3.

Of course that was not what I was refering to, I was refering to:

if you enjoy action-packed, fast-paced games with a lot of character, you'll like Hellgate: London. If you like to set your own pace of play, Hellgate: London will appeal to you as well.

And it sands, if I play it easy how the "fast-paced" is going to happen?


Right ...

And we sould not care about the publisher?

Namco is known for being dicks about PAL market, Xenosaga Ep. I was a struggle with Sony even listing the game with Namco saying no, that Tales game in the CG happened with Nintendo having to blackmail Namco ... if you live in a PAL region Namco is the WORST publisher name you can hear in relation to a game, they simply DO NOT publish games in PAL regions, they lack the ability to do so ... and since I am hearing nothing about a publisher I know does work in europe (EA, Activision, Atari and Ubisoft for example) how the hell that game is going to reach europe?

Perhaps you being a dumbass think its easy to publish a game in over 12 countries ... I know its not ("The Longest Journey" was never published were I live and Guild Wars was published with about six months delay from its UK publishing date) and I know Namco certainly does not have the infrastucture for it since if they did WHY THE HELL THEY ARE OFFLOADING THE PUBLISHING OF 2 GAMES INTO EXISTING EUROPEAN PUBLISHERS?

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
They keep milking Diablo 2 name...

Diablo 2 was made by Blizzard, they might worked on Blizzard and in Diablo but what does that mean?

Nothing, the team and company are diferent and the game is diferent, its not Diablo 3.
You're really fucking ignorant. The team that created Diablo and Diablo II are the team developing Hellgate: London.

The majority of them are former members of Blizzard North. Dave Brevik, creator of Diablo, is the creator of Hellgate: London. Max and Erich Schaefer? They're there too. Bill Roper? Peter Hu? Phil Shenk? You guessed it, they're all at Flagship. Who were the key developers behind Diablo? Take a good fucking guess, nimrod.

Oh, and shut the fuck up about Namco.


May 19, 2005
I dont know what it his purpose but beats being a hot or not 5.3 cry baby gook that bans people on the grounds of racial comments added by said hot or not 5.3 gook when he edited those people posts.

Perhaps we sould go over the fact when Bush used the term "flip floper" was not as much as Kerry but as a certain RPG Codex member opinion on games ... sould we take a lot at someone opinion on World of WarCraft?

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
I dont know what it his purpose but beats being a hot or not 5.3 cry baby gook that bans people on the grounds of racial comments added by said hot or not 5.3 gook when he edited those people posts.

Perhaps we sould go over the fact when Bush used the term "flip floper" was not as much as Kerry but as a certain RPG Codex member opinion on games ... sould we take a lot at someone opinion on World of WarCraft?

So apparently you don't know how to conduct an argument (e.g. backing your little statements about how Hellgate isn't made by the creators of Diablo up with some actual facts) without becoming retarded.

You're retarded. I'm done with you.


May 19, 2005
But I did ... I had to look at hot or not and posted 5.3 and not 2.8 (the original score).

And what about "No Free Rides"? saying Flagship Studios made Diablo its the same as Troika made Fallout ... oh wait, that sounds familiar ... oh I get it, Troika did a "one hit wonder" but Flagship Studios already made Diablo!

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
The team that created Diablo is the same team creating Hellgate: London.Why is that so difficult to understand? I'm almost impressed by your stupidity.


Jan 29, 2005
Norway, 1967
Dude, what's not to get about that? If you want to play fast-action I'm guess you play an in-your-face melee tank kinda guy who just fucking goes apeshit on everything and rushes through levels. If you want to take your time, you'd probably play as a spellcaster and methodically choose your spells, explore every nook and cranny et cetera. I don't think the devs are saying that if you don't like hack and slash, the game offers other things, too. They're saying you can blow right through it or take your time and see everything. It's pretty damn simple.

Sacred is a good example of this. If you wanted to, you could blow through the whole game without going anywhere non-mandatory. Just haulin' ass and takin' names. But, if you did want to do everything, see all the locales, take your time and kinda glide through the game, you could do that, too.

They are going a bit overboard with the "humongous appeal" sort of thing. The only fans I can see it really appealing to are the twitch FPSers and action-RPG fans.


Jan 4, 2005
Drakron said:
But I did ... I had to look at hot or not and posted 5.3 and not 2.8 (the original score).

This is the second thread in which you've been shrill like that - you are only embarrassing yourself.

And Blackhart - perhaps its time you gave the dumb 'gooker' comments a rest.

@Sol - It's pretty obvious why there's so much antipathy towards this title and Titan Quest. This one may be touting some fancy features, but how can anyone here be expected to get excited about yet another Diablo-style game? So Titan Quest is well done - for what it is. But so what, when it only aims to be the mindless same old, same old?


Mar 30, 2003
Bumfuck, Nowhere
Twinfalls said:
@Sol - It's pretty obvious why there's so much antipathy towards this title and Titan Quest. This one may be touting some fancy features, but how can anyone here be expected to get excited about yet another Diablo-style game? So Titan Quest is well done - for what it is. But so what, when it only aims to be the mindless same old, same old?

There aren't that many good Diablo style games. It seems like an easy sub-genre to get horribly wrong. I think the problem with Titan Quest is precisely that it isn't "good for what it is." It isn't as good as Sacred (even without Underworld or the latest patches) or FATE. Its probably more favourably comparable to Dungeon Siege or Harbinger.

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