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Review Shadowflare highs and lows at GameSpy


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Shadowflare

<A href="http://www.gamespy.com/">GameSpy</a> has <A href="http://www.gamespy.com/reviews/april03/shadowflarepc/">reviewed</a> the independent action CRPG which should remind you a bit of <A href="Http://www.blizzard.com">Blizzard's Diablo</a>, even though it was made by Japanese developers, known as <a href="http://www.shadowflare.us">Shadowflare</a>. Here's the conclusion:
<blockquote> Perhaps the game's greatest achievement is in allowing gamers to decide for themselves whether they'd like to play it. More than a demo, Episode One is completely free and available for download. Should you decide that Shadowflare has what it takes to warrant you opening your wallet, the next three episodes are separately downloadable for $14.99 each. While I really like this innovative approach to sales, in the case of Shadowflare it still seems a bit pricey for a game with four-year-old graphics and no box, CD, or printed manual. There are many, many hours of gameplay in Shadowflare, but with the far superior Diablo 2 available in stores for around $30, the cost is hard to justify. </blockquote>
The price is definitely the big problem here. $43 for this game is a bit much, all things considered.

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