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Interview Morrowind: Bloodmoon Interview on GameSpot


Oct 22, 2002
Tags: Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon

<a href="http://www.gamespot.com">GameSpot</a> have posted an <a href="http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/elderscrolls3bloodmoon/preview_6025949.html">interview</a> with <b>Ashley Cheng</b>, project lead on Morrowind expansion, <a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/index.php?url=/games/bloodmoon_overview.htm&bg=09">Bloodmoon</a>.
Here's a taster:
<blockquote><b>GS:</b> The initial announcement of Bloodmoon mentioned that players can either fight menacing werewolves or actually join the werewolf ranks. How do you become a werewolf? What will the game be like for characters who become shape-shifters?
<b>AC:</b> What I love best about Bloodmoon is that you actually can role-play as a werewolf. You live this secret life at night--no one knows how powerful you truly are. You start to keep very careful track of the time of day. When you're escorting people, you think to yourself: What if they see me change and find out the truth about me? What if we don't make it to our destination before nightfall and I have to kill them to quench my blood lust?
To keep it easy to understand, we used the vampire model from Morrowind--if you catch sanies lupinus from a werewolf and wait three days, you're a werewolf. It can be cured with a simple cure disease potion, but if you don't cure it you'll get a fevered dream on the third night. After the dream, you'll immediately wake up and you'll find your clothing stripped away and you'll feel an overwhelming thirst for blood that must be quenched.
Every hour that passes, if you do not kill an NPC, you'll lose a percentage of health. You'll never die, but if you do not feed, a substantial amount of health will be gone when you change back to human in the morning.
We first focused on making the werewolf fun. You are a killing machine. You growl and snarl as your claws rip through creatures and NPCs. You'll howl at the moon after making a kill. </blockquote>
Grrr baby, grrr! Okay, so I'm being simple, but I want to play a werewolf!
Spotted this on <a href="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</a>


Mar 6, 2003

I like the idea of being a werewolf, but it seems like it's just going to be a killing machine and nothing more.

Crazy Tuvok

Dec 17, 2002
Re: hey

I like the idea of being a werewolf, but it seems like it's just going to be a killing machine and nothing more.

What else would a werewolf be? Unlike vampires, I for one find it hard to imagine werewolf clans.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
Re: hey

Crazy Tuvok said:
[What else would a werewolf be? Unlike vampires, I for one find it hard to imagine werewolf clans.

Well, "Werewolf: The Apocylypse" 's setting made some sense to me. It had some different types of werewolves, divided mostly by their beliefs and places of habitat. By 'clan' one could mean something similar to 'caern', a meeting / living (don't remember the details) place for werewolves of the same type in a given region.

Crazy Tuvok

Dec 17, 2002
Re: hey

Elwro said:
Crazy Tuvok said:
[What else would a werewolf be? Unlike vampires, I for one find it hard to imagine werewolf clans.

Well, "Werewolf: The Apocylypse" 's setting made some sense to me. It had some different types of werewolves, divided mostly by their beliefs and places of habitat. By 'clan' one could mean something similar to 'caern', a meeting / living (don't remember the details) place for werewolves of the same type in a given region.

Never played it but aren't they all still pretty much killing machines? I have always conceived of lycanthropy as creating a beast and that the psychological nuance was living with the morning after.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
Re: hey

Crazy Tuvok said:
Never played it but aren't they all still pretty much killing machines? .

Well, it's PnP so they can be whatever the players like them to be. But AFAIR the rulebook was very 'pro-ecological' - the werewolves were to be less hack'n'slashing and more "save the Earth and Gaya" type. There were many interesting rituals, traditions and magic described. That's the benefit of it being a PnP game (although I didn't play it much because I prefer WFRP). But I think that in Bloodmon if they aren't just "killing machines", they will be "killing machines which sometimes have to hide and use a spell to shapeshift"; I actually liked that in Daggerfall.
Jul 6, 2004
Don't you find it sensless to argue over whether is it good for a werewolf to be a mere killing machine or not? The essence of the werewolf creature is bloodlust and savage instincts, but i assure you that you cannot find them too powerful... (believe me, after the NPCs find out you're a werewolf, you're life won't be too easy...).. and regarding of wolf clans.. that would be pointless becouse they would obviously be too powerful, so the nonexistence of such clans is reasonable...and, after all it's more fun to hunt on your own.... :twisted:


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Astromarine said:
1 year, 2 months, 4 days of peaceful death before resurrection.

430 days and Morrowind still sucks ass. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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