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Preview Bloodmoon preview at RPG Vault


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon

<A href="http://rpgvault.ign.com/">RPG Vault</a> has posted <A href="http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/357/357875p1.html">another preview</a> of <A href="http://www.morrowind.com">Morrowind: Bloodmoon</a>, for those interested in exploring more of the nifty world, becoming a werewolf, writing your name in the snow, and so on. Here's a taste:
<blockquote>Bloodmoon is set primarily on Solstheim, a large island off Vvardenfell's northwest coast. Here, on the snowy, blizzard-swept crags, players will face new challenges. First and foremost of these is the "ability" to play as a werewolf, a feature much requested by long-time fans of the Elder Scrolls. Just like vampirism in the original game, having this capacity is a mixed blessing. Contracting lycanthropy or sanies lupinus forces you to shapechange on a nightly basis into a slicing and dicing machine. Your hands, sorry - claws, viciously rake your enemies with preternatural strength. Loping across the lands of Morrowind, you also gain tremendous foot speed. Alas, as a werewolf, you cannot access your inventory or spells, or even pick up and use items. In addition, if you are seen changing by an NPC, you'll forever be branded as a werewolf and hunted mercilessly. Accordingly, there are benefits and drawbacks to weigh. Lastly, the completion of the main quest in Bloodmoon may actually require you to sprout fangs and fur - the quests coming as blood-filled nightmares. It is an uncommon feature in RPGs, but rampant lycanthropy does sound like fun.</blockquote>
As long as it's actually a curse and not just the once a month uber-power deal, it seems cool.
Spotted this at <a href="http://www.homelanfed.com">HomeLAN Fed</a>.

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