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Preview Shivering Isles prevoo at GameSpy


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

There's a <a href="http://xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/the-elder-scrolls-iv-the-shivering-isles/762876p1.html">preview</a> of <a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com">Shivering Isles</a> up on <a href="http://www.gamespy.com">GameSpy</a>. It's the first thing I've read on the subject, because I frankly don't care too much about it. Anyway, here's the background of the expansion which everyone else probably already knew:
<blockquote>The story behind Shivering Isles revolves around the ruler of the plane of madness, Sheogoroth, and how you can help him save his domain from the mysterious forces bent on tearing it asunder. Sheogoroth seeks a mortal champion to aid him, and as an adventurer of some renown, I was coaxed towards the large mystical gate that would lead me to his realm. Upon entering the gate (pictured above), I was confronted by a rather well-dressed gentleman with an attitude that had me instantly in the mood to wipe the smile off of his sycophantic face with a mailed fist. What struck me as odd, however, was that we appeared to be inside a small drawing room of some kind, richly appointed by Cyrodillian standards. After the snooty quasi-librarian explained Sheogoroth's plight, the walls of the room erupted into hundreds of shadowy butterflies which disappeared to reveal the not-so-lush starting area of the Shivering Isles.</blockquote>
Now we have our answer to <i>What if Planescape was written by inept people?</i>
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.shacknews.com">Shack News</A>


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I opted to enter the Mania side of the Shivering Isles as it was supposedly the more brightly colored portion of the Isles (...)
Once through the gate, I didn't realize that the gate of Dementia was right next to me (just as it had been before I entered the Shivering Isles proper)
Hah Hah. So crazy and funny!


Dec 17, 2002
Claw said:
I opted to enter the Mania side of the Shivering Isles as it was supposedly the more brightly colored portion of the Isles (...)
Once through the gate, I didn't realize that the gate of Dementia was right next to me (just as it had been before I entered the Shivering Isles proper)
Hah Hah. So crazy and funny!

No! You gotta be kidding me!! :shock:

Oooooo - you must make a choice, even with no interesting information to base it on. Go on just flip a coin. Heads? Go through the left gate then... oh don't worry, the right gate will follow you through in case you want to change your mind. :roll:


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hazelnut said:
No! You gotta be kidding me!! :shock:

Oooooo - you must make a choice, even with no interesting information to base it on. Go on just flip a coin. Heads? Go through the left gate then... oh don't worry, the right gate will follow you through in case you want to change your mind. :roll:
I'm not sure if I understand you or you understand the quote the way I did, but I understood that both "sides" of the gates are right next to each other, the Shivering Island exits probably located on a road connecting Mania and Dementia, right at the border between both realms.
So technically, one gate leads to Mania and the other to Dementia, but practically it makes no difference. Don't you see the awesome comedy value? This is genius material.


Aug 20, 2005
So they pulled a typical bethesda. They innovated two entrance points to the same area and hyped it as OMG BIG IMPORTANT DECISION. Am I missing something?


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
The part that gets me in the whole thing is that there's a God of Madness. How late do you have to show up at the creation of the world party to get stuck with that crappy job? It's almost as if the entire pantheon had gotten their choices, and then that guy showed up so they just invented the position on the fly.

Sheogoroth: I'm here! Sorry guys, I got stuck in traffic.

Godly HR Rep: Oh, I'm sorry. We thought you weren't coming.

Sheogoroth: Well, I'm here now! So, what's my job? I want to be something cool, like God of War!

Godly HR Rep: Oh, that's taken already.

Sheogoroth: Okay, God of Pestilence?

Godly HR Rep: Taken.

Sheogoroth: I see. How about God of Wine Making?

Godly HR Rep: Taken.

Sheogoroth: Pisser! Well, what's left?

Godly HR Rep: Let's see, there's... Ummm.. Well. Uhhh.. God of Maddess?

Sheogoroth: Damn. Okay, but only if I get my own land and some goofy head statues.

Godly HR Rep: Done!

Yup, that's how I picture it.


Jan 19, 2004
Saint_Proverbius said:
The part that gets me in the whole thing is that there's a God of Madness. How late do you have to show up at the creation of the world party to get stuck with that crappy job? It's almost as if the entire pantheon had gotten their choices, and then that guy showed up so they just invented the position on the fly.

And the sad thing is that Seogorath is one of Bethesda's better developed gods (and, yes, I know he's a daedra lord not a god etc. but it's all the same.)

This whole Shivering Isles thing sounds like it stems from the quest in Morrowind where the God of Madness wants you to kill this giant creature with a dinner fork (itself based on the Monty Python cutting down the tallest tree with a herring joke). I mean, it worked quite well in Morrowind, but making a whole expansion out of such gags seems a bit feeble.

But the good news is that Radiant AI will finally be here! They couldn't get it to work properly, but in a game set in the Plane of Madness it doesn't matter any more. I can see the posts on ESF now:

Complaining person #1 : I was in town xyz and I had quest abc yet when I tried to ask the NPC about it he [ran away/would not talk to me/attacked me/attacked his wife/exploded/delete as appropriate]

ESF Fanboy or Moderator or Dev : It's the Plane of Madness silly. That crazy behavior is completely as designed

Complaining person #1 : Then my PC crashed to desktop. And exploded.

ESF F/M/D : This topic has been locked because it should be posted on the hardware and software issues forum where no-one can see it.


Oct 29, 2006
Limorkil said:
But the good news is that Radiant AI will finally be here! They couldn't get it to work properly, but in a game set in the Plane of Madness it doesn't matter any more. I can see the posts on ESF now:

Complaining person #1 : I was in town xyz and I had quest abc yet when I tried to ask the NPC about it he [ran away/would not talk to me/attacked me/attacked his wife/exploded/delete as appropriate]

ESF Fanboy or Moderator or Dev : It's the Plane of Madness silly. That crazy behavior is completely as designed

Complaining person #1 : Then my PC crashed to desktop. And exploded.

ESF F/M/D : This topic has been locked because it should be posted on the hardware and software issues forum where no-one can see it.
Priceless.. :D
They have multiple daedra lords in ES lore,so they can give each an island(plane) and name it properly... we will have few more expansions i think....


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Durwyn said:
They have multiple daedra lords in ES lore,so they can give each an island(plane) and name it properly... we will have few more expansions i think....

With each of them bringing up new choices with consequences? Like... chosing to either go there or not go there?


Oct 29, 2006
I think they will add more doors, and color them diffrently, to make consequence of your choice harder to predict.

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