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Preview Silverfall pre-voo at Gamers Info


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Silverfall

There's <a href="http://www.gamersinfo.net/index.php?art/id:1580">a preview</a> of <a href="http://www.silverfall-game.com">Silverfall</a> over at <a href="http://www.gamersinfo.net">Gamer's Info</a> when reads kind of like a demo summary than anything else. I'm not sure it covers much you wouldn't know from the demo, but if you didn't feel like downloading <b>1.4GB</b> of demo.. Well, you can read this. Here's something on companionship:
<blockquote>Allies cannot be directly controlled, but the AI that controls them in combat can be adjusted. They can be set to jump into the fray and attack or hang back and just heal the hero. It's up to you. As the hero's nature/technology shifts, the allies' alignment may shift as well, provided the relationship between them is strong enough. Their character development (skills and attributes) is predetermined for each ally, but their equipment can be customized as easily as the main hero's.</blockquote>
Nothing like nagging a a friend to try something out until they do it. Actually, I think this is a fairly neat idea.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.shacknews.com">Shack News</A>


May 18, 2004
The preview suggests about 25 hours to play through on average. More of a snack than a hearty meal then?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
I dunno why people claim today's games are short than yesteryear. That's utter bullshit.


Feb 21, 2005
The Heart of It All
Volourn said:
I dunno why people claim today's agmes are short than yesteryear. That's utter bullshit.

I don't know if on average games have gotten shorter, as there were plenty of short games in yesteryear, but I am pretty certain the upperbounds are falling. Of course, marketing will tell you that its because games have gotten better at not including pointless filler that players don't want to play.


Jul 21, 2005
My comments having played the full game for a couple of hours.

The worst parts about the game are the minimap and collision detection. Try to pick an item up while an ally is standing near by.

Or if you're playing the demo for the first time, run around the map for a while and try to find your starting point again only using the minimap.

The caves are laid out just like the outdoor environments and since there is no ceiling you can't really tell you're in a cave. They are huge random-ish and unrealistic.

I don't believe there is an easy way to sell items without picking them up from your inventory and dropping them into the merchants inventory. Pain in the ass when you've got a bunch of crap.

There isn't really any AI, (similar to Diablo 2)

Playing dress up can be fun, but the inventory item graphics are silly.

The skill system looks interesting, but I haven't really used it so I can't comment on balance. Actually, I haven't spent any skill points and I've made it to level 11.

The game is slightly more interesting than Dungeon Siege 2 because of the open world and item and skill systems, but overall the game feels unpolished. I would rank it below Sacred, for most things, but I have no desire of playing Sacred so...

Autoleveling mosters !!!!!!!!!!! Is what made me stop playing. It's Oblivion all over again. The difference and the fun part I guess would be coming up with the right combination of skills and finding the best items to be able to take on the harder monsters. But it does suck when you can't find anything good and you know that if you just ran past all the monsters it would be easier than leveling up.

I say, wait for Hellgate London if you're looking for an action rpg of quality. I don't know that this game will make it like Titan Quest did. Even though that game is generic, uninteresting and unbalanced, it did have crisp graphics, decent collision detection and responsive controls.


Jun 7, 2006
vazquez595654 said:
I don't know that this game will make it like Titan Quest did. Even though that game is generic, uninteresting and unbalanced, it did have crisp graphics, decent collision detection and responsive controls.

... and a nonexistend story.
... and a nonexistend AI.
... a fully uninteresting and uninspired scenario.
... a limited camera control.
... trailed movement like DS1.
... and so forth.

Nah, go for SILVERFALL - judging from the demo you can't do anything wrong, espcially it can't be worse than TITAN QUEST (well, I think HELLGATE LONDON will be worse...)


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
vazquez595654 said:
My comments having played the full game for a couple of hours.

The worst parts about the game are the minimap and collision detection. Try to pick an item up while an ally is standing near by.

Agreed. I had this problem a number of times. Also, the smoke effect didn't seem to always work.

Or if you're playing the demo for the first time, run around the map for a while and try to find your starting point again only using the minimap.

I had to turn off the edge rotation and then use the arrow keys to point my orientation north in order to find my way around consistantly. Before that, I was constantly getting lost. The problem with the minimap is the whole thing should rotate as the screen does rather than just putting an arrow on it to represent the screen facing.

I don't believe there is an easy way to sell items without picking them up from your inventory and dropping them into the merchants inventory. Pain in the ass when you've got a bunch of crap.

Right click on the item instantly sells or buys.

The game is slightly more interesting than Dungeon Siege 2 because of the open world and item and skill systems, but overall the game feels unpolished. I would rank it below Sacred, for most things, but I have no desire of playing Sacred so...

Agree on the polish thing. It just doesn't feel totally baked. I'm not sure about the skill either, since levelling up doesn't really seem to do much. This is most likely because of the auto-levelling thing.

Autoleveling mosters !!!!!!!!!!! Is what made me stop playing. It's Oblivion all over again. The difference and the fun part I guess would be coming up with the right combination of skills and finding the best items to be able to take on the harder monsters. But it does suck when you can't find anything good and you know that if you just ran past all the monsters it would be easier than leveling up.

The part that gets me is some level 4 monsters you can stomp in to the ground, while other level 4 monsters can murder you quick. A level 4 zombie is nothing, but those spike shooting plants kill me often.

I say, wait for Hellgate London if you're looking for an action rpg of quality. I don't know that this game will make it like Titan Quest did. Even though that game is generic, uninteresting and unbalanced, it did have crisp graphics, decent collision detection and responsive controls.

Silverfall has some interesting things, though.. Like party member influence, faction standing, and so forth. I doubt Hellgate London will have any of that.


Aug 27, 2006
Volourn, did you play 'The Magic Candle'? If yes, how long did it take you to finish?

How about 'Dragon Wars'?

How about 'Arcanum'?

How about 'Insert virtually any old school RPG'

In fact, while your answering that, please tell me how many short, old school RPG's are out there besides Fallout. Thanks.


Aug 21, 2003
Ladonna said:
Volourn, did you play 'The Magic Candle'? If yes, how long did it take you to finish?

Totally OT, but I've read a few mentions of this game recently and your constant adulation has certainly put it back on my radar. :) I think I'd better give it a whirl.


Aug 27, 2006
If you can handle oldschool, then go for it. Its a good game.

You do have a time limit though...if these things piss you off, pick the easiest setting. It doesn't change how hard the game is besides giving you more time to complete it.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Volourn, did you play 'The Magic Candle'? If yes, how long did it take you to finish?"


"How about 'Dragon Wars'?"


"How about 'Arcanum'?"

About 50-60 hours, and that's being generous.

"How about 'Insert virtually any old school RPG'"

A bunch like Wizardry, M&M, GB games, Ultima, and others. IIRC, they all clocked in about 25-50 hours and that's being generous.

"please tell me how many short, old school RPG's are out there besides Fallout."

The fact youa re trying to ignore FO makes me laugh and as punishment will ignore this part of your post though I cna remember at least 'old school RPGs' about the length of FO; iof not shorter.

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