Diogo Ribeiro
Tags: JoWood Productions
It seems soon after <a href=http://www.rpgcodex.com/index.php#4704>Piranha Bytes and JoWooD's separation</a>, <a href=http://www.jowood.com/>JoWooD</a> has announced that it is <a href=http://presse.jowood.com/?id=760>currently working on Gothic 4</a>. Here's a rough translation courtesy of RPG Watch:<blockquote>JoWooD Productions has talked to possible developing studios for Gothic 4 on PC & consoles for many weeks now. The focus on picking a developing studio is high quality standard and bugfree coding... JoWood is focusing on the console market...</blockquote>Gothic and console market in the same sentence. Wow. I don't think this could get worse.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgwatch.com">RPG Watch</A>
It seems soon after <a href=http://www.rpgcodex.com/index.php#4704>Piranha Bytes and JoWooD's separation</a>, <a href=http://www.jowood.com/>JoWooD</a> has announced that it is <a href=http://presse.jowood.com/?id=760>currently working on Gothic 4</a>. Here's a rough translation courtesy of RPG Watch:<blockquote>JoWooD Productions has talked to possible developing studios for Gothic 4 on PC & consoles for many weeks now. The focus on picking a developing studio is high quality standard and bugfree coding... JoWood is focusing on the console market...</blockquote>Gothic and console market in the same sentence. Wow. I don't think this could get worse.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgwatch.com">RPG Watch</A>