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Codex Preview Golden Land Zoology 5


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Burut Creative Team; Golden Land

Our fifth look at the zoology of Golden Land, this time featuring mountain nasties and the river area of Zarechie's fearsome beasts. Here's one of the six critters:

Legends say that wolkodlaks are evil magicians who turn into the animals and hunt for the lost people in the forests. Don't even listen to these fairytales! It is obvious that the human cannot turn into such animal - it conflicts any considerable laws. So, wolkodlaks are people who were turned into the wolf-like creatures as a punishment, probably by the evil magicians. Exactly this point of view seems to be rigorous. The modern science has already gave up the version of self-turning into wolkodlaks as nonsense, but the news from Velgrad are trying to refuse the academic point of view. The rumors say about one Elder who turns into wolkodlak at nights, but has quite becoming style of life. That means that even being the creature, this Elder does not violate the limits of good behavior. But, however, it is really not good thing to meet wolkodlak at the road. Big creature, of 2.5 meters high, with awful claws and fangs, the wolkodlak could even tear the ox to pieces.​

The first four sentences of this paragraph are about the funniest damned thing I've read from a developer in a long, long time. Reminds me of the old Steve Martin SNL sketches about the medieval dentist.

Big thanks to Dmitry Glaznev and Roman Volkov!

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