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Development Info DevilWhiskey demo delayed


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Devil Whiskey; Shifting Suns Studios

Per <a href="http://www.devilwhiskey.com/main.html">the official Devil Whiskey site</a>, delayage by one month. Here's what they have to say:
<blockquote>Now, for the bad news - we've had enough bugs, and of the right kinds, that we feel we'd be rushing things to release the demo this Sunday, as promised. In order to insure that we provide the best experience we can for you, our fans, we're slipping the release date of the demo by one week. It will be available, simultaneously for Windows and Linux, on Sunday, September 7th!</blockquote>
I can wait a week. Anyone holding their breath should exhale now.

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