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Preview Avernum 3 preview at PC GameWorld


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Avernum 3

I'm not sure why this is a <A href="http://www.pcgameworld.com/preview.php/id/23/">preview</a>, when <A href="http://www.avernum.com/avernum3/index.html">Avernum 3</a> has been out for a while now, but that didn't stop <a href="http://www.pcgameworld.com">PC GameWorld</a> from writing one up.
That's good, because it needs more coverage. Games like these live by word of mouth. This <a href="http://www.pcgameworld.com/preview.php/id/23/">preview</a> certainly does that, and I agree that it's a fantastic little game. Here's part of the love:
<blockquote>After a few hours I realized I should get something to eat. Several more hours passed before nature’s call started ringing my bell louder than a preacher on Quaaludes on an all night Denny's binge. Can I get an amen? After a few more hours my eyes were glazed, my brain was working again and I had a bladder cramp that would make an eight and half month-long pregnant woman proud.
I was addicted.
This simple little game had taken over my day. I locked the door, grabbed some grub and perched in front of the computer again. The night wore on as I explored this incredibly deep game. My initial reaction to facing a game that had a budget less than a cool million was now well tucked away. The shallow gamer inside me had stepped out for a smoke and never returned. </blockquote>
That's right, people. <a href="http://www.avernum.com/avernum3/index.html">Avernum 3</a> is like crack. I just ordered my copy Thursday. <i>Run screaming</i> and <A href="http://www.avernum.com/avernum3/index.html">check it out</a>!
Spotted this over at <A href="http://www.ve3d.com">VE</a>.

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