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Codex Interview Riftrunner developer chat log


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Beyond Divinity; Larian Studios

This is the editted chat log from the developer chat with Larian about Riftrunner. Probably the most fun I've had in a dev chat in ages! Here's a taste:

[Exitium] [El_Gammon] Do you give us your word that the final title won't be something like "Riftrunning Riftrunner's Riftrun" or something like that?
[valtar] lol
[Lynn] sorry, no ;)
[Thorun] Why not? I like that title...
[Arhu] eww
[valtar] yeah sure you do
[valtar] :)
[Relex] pray that doesnt happen...
[Lynn] I pray with you ;)
[Arhu] Every night..
[Lynn] We didnt like the DD title either
[Larian] Never say never
[Relex] lets erect a shrine for it!
[Arhu] You have my word, ElG, but that doesn't say much.. ;)
[Lynn] and kill the inventor!
[Larian] I honestly thought that when I saw Divine Divinity it was a typo in the contract
[valtar] lol
[Lynn] yes, me too - i was shocked, and not only me
[Larian] It took several hours before I finally figured out that it was for real
[Thorun] We were all shocked when Lar told us...
[Arhu] Divinity 2 is supposed to be called just that, not the Double-D-Word 2.
[Lynn] you had to see the faces of everybody - they all thought we were joking
[Larian] And then I had to listen to somebody for hours on how market research had shown Divine Divinity to be better than Divinity.
[Lynn] we still have nightmares
[Larian] Never trust market research
[Larian] Don't quote me on that when it comes to the box guys ;)
[Thorun] But later the same evening we were all so drunk we forgot about it...
[Lynn] hihi
[Lynn] yes, but the next day..
[Larian] Oh yes, that was very bad ;)
[Lynn] I have pics - anyone? ;-)
[Larian] Ahum - done
[Lynn] done​

You can't go wrong with the truth, baby!

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