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Interview Old logs and next week


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Malfador Machinations; Space Empires: Starfury

Welp, the chat with <A href="http://www.malfador.com">Malfador</a> and <A href="http://www.shrapnelgames.com">Shrapnel Games</a> is concluded(<b>Adam West</b> of <a href="http://www.runesword.com">Crosscut</a> didn't make it until a few hours later, so we'll have to do some things with him later - he promised!). Anyway, here's the <A href="http://www.rpgcodex.com/content.php?id=81">chat log</a> of the thing. Here's a snippet:
<blockquote><b>[</b>Katchoo<b>]</b> Aaron or Richard, have either of you gone after anyone for software piracy?
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> It connects to an online server for registration purposes.
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> Of course, it's crackable too.
<b>[<u>Shrapnel_Richard</u>]</b> Not as a publisher policy, developers can do as they wish. We're a pretty hands off publisher.
<b>[<u>Shrapnel_Richard</u>]</b> I have, many times.
<b>[</b>Instar<b>]</b> wow, that has to suck for non internet gamers
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> But it would be much more effective than securom or safedisc, by far.
<b>[<u>Shrapnel_Richard</u>]</b> Even had the FBI involved.
<b>[</b>Instar<b>]</b> Maybe CD keys
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> Instar: hmm, point noted. Guess it's not viable.
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> cd keys? crackable.
<b>[</b>Mephisto<b>]</b> Large scale, Richard?
<b>[<u>Malfador</u>]</b> Nope, its pretty hopeless. And the CD check is only to stop simple copying by casual users.
<b>[</b>TerranC<b>]</b> that's nice to know
<b>[</b>Katchoo<b>]</b> Sweet! Kick some butt Richard (y)
<b>[</b>Exitium<b>]</b> They're cracked on a 0-day basis just like everything else.
<b>[</b>Saint_Proverbius<b>]</b> Richard: You should put a list of people convicted of pirating Shrapnel games on your site.
<b>[</b>Instar<b>]</b> Yeah, but one more thing, and if PBW cooperated, they could only let one copy of the CD play
<b>[<u>Shrapnel_Richard</u>]</b> No, just site by site. The sites link to our site with a graphic. I pull a web log report and track them down that way. Pretty silly.</blockquote>
There you have it. Warezers are really, really stupid.
Now, next week we're going to have a lovely chat with <a href="http://www.russobit-m.ru/eng/index.shtml">Russobit-M</a> and <i>Horns and Hooves</i> about their recently announced <i><b>Phase: Exodus</b></i>, the post apocalyptic, turn based CRPG. Here's the info on the chat:
<blockquote><b>When:</b> Next tuesday, October 28th at 8PM Eastern US Time(5PM Pacific)
<b>Where:</b> #rpgcodex on <A href="http://www.gamesnet.net">irc.gamesnet.net</a>
<b>Who:</b> <A href="http://www.russobit-m.ru">Russobit-M</a> and <i>Horns and Hooves</i>
<b>Why:</b> Because <a href="http://www.russobit-m.ru">Russobit-M</a> is way, way cooler than <a href="http://www.cdprojekt.com.pl/">CDProjekt</a>.</blockquote>
Good deal!


Dec 18, 2002
They'll have this cracked in no time flat. It may make people feel good to think some securtiy measure will stop pirates, but none of them ever do. Cracking is a challenge to the crackers they don't do it for money they do it because they like to. Hell the deterrent spoken of in the chat log would only work if the pirates caught were literally retarded, computer illerate four years old.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
They obviously were retarded if they were dumb enough to link graphics directly to Shrapnel's web site on their own site. That's heaps of stupid to do.

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