Tags: Temple of Elemental Evil
<a href="http://www.gamershell.com/">Gamer's Hell</a> serves up another <A href="http://www.gamershell.com/reviews_GreyhawkTheTempleofEleme.shtml">professional review</A> for us poor slobs, giving the game a <b>7.5</b> out of 10. Here's a taste of the thing:
<blockquote>With the numerous abilities, spells, skills and actions possible you will spend a large amount of time browsing through the menus. A classic "ring" interface splits the many actions into clearly laid out groups and e.g. in this case the turn based combat is a real blessing if you are looking for a special ability or spell. Although never neglect tactics while in combat - always keep an eye on whose turn it is next, since if you don?t take care it could easily happen that you end your turn, and after several enemies one after another had their turns the situation could develop in a very bad way for your group.</blockquote>
I believe that's that they refer to as a <b><i>radial</i> menu</b>, but I don't have professional editors getting paid to check these things for me like you guys have.
Spotted this on <A href="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</a>
<a href="http://www.gamershell.com/">Gamer's Hell</a> serves up another <A href="http://www.gamershell.com/reviews_GreyhawkTheTempleofEleme.shtml">professional review</A> for us poor slobs, giving the game a <b>7.5</b> out of 10. Here's a taste of the thing:
<blockquote>With the numerous abilities, spells, skills and actions possible you will spend a large amount of time browsing through the menus. A classic "ring" interface splits the many actions into clearly laid out groups and e.g. in this case the turn based combat is a real blessing if you are looking for a special ability or spell. Although never neglect tactics while in combat - always keep an eye on whose turn it is next, since if you don?t take care it could easily happen that you end your turn, and after several enemies one after another had their turns the situation could develop in a very bad way for your group.</blockquote>
I believe that's that they refer to as a <b><i>radial</i> menu</b>, but I don't have professional editors getting paid to check these things for me like you guys have.
Spotted this on <A href="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</a>