Tags: Anino Entertainment; Anito: Defend a Land Enraged
Next week, we'll be hosting a dev chat with <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/">Anino Entertainment</a>, covering the soon-to-be-released <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/products/anito/index.php">Anito: Defend the Land Enraged</a>. The game will initially be available for web orders, and is scheduled for availability <b>November 22nd</b>. Here's some info on the game itself:
<div align="center"><A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/products/anito/gallery.php"><img src="http://www.rpgcodex.com/images/screenshots/anito/tiny005.jpg" height="150" width="200"> <img src="http://www.rpgcodex.com/images/screenshots/anito/tiny006.jpg" height="150" width="200"></a></div>
<ul><li>Two unique stories to play; male and female characters have different intertwined plots in the story line</li><li>Large non-uniform levels to explore; with 5 fully populated towns along with numerous forest and cave areas.</li><li>Over 150 unique characters to interact with.</li><li>Realistically depicted day/night, eating, and sleeping cycles.</li><li>Combinable Items.</li><li>Unique battle system: 28 upgradable skills, Two modes of attack, Blocking and Strafing, and Per Part Damage.</li><li>Score system to keep track of progress. With variations in the ending depending on how much of the game you completed.</li></ul>
Now for information on the chat:
<blockquote><b>When:</b> Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 at 8PM Eastern Time
<b>Where:</b> #rpgcodex on <A href="http://www.gamesnet.net">irc.gamesnet.net</a>
<b>Who:</b> <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/">Anino Entertainment</a></blockquote>
So, if you're looking for a CRPG with a non-traditional setting and somewhat unique gameplay, mark your calenders for next Wednesday night!
Next week, we'll be hosting a dev chat with <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/">Anino Entertainment</a>, covering the soon-to-be-released <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/products/anito/index.php">Anito: Defend the Land Enraged</a>. The game will initially be available for web orders, and is scheduled for availability <b>November 22nd</b>. Here's some info on the game itself:
<div align="center"><A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/products/anito/gallery.php"><img src="http://www.rpgcodex.com/images/screenshots/anito/tiny005.jpg" height="150" width="200"> <img src="http://www.rpgcodex.com/images/screenshots/anito/tiny006.jpg" height="150" width="200"></a></div>
<ul><li>Two unique stories to play; male and female characters have different intertwined plots in the story line</li><li>Large non-uniform levels to explore; with 5 fully populated towns along with numerous forest and cave areas.</li><li>Over 150 unique characters to interact with.</li><li>Realistically depicted day/night, eating, and sleeping cycles.</li><li>Combinable Items.</li><li>Unique battle system: 28 upgradable skills, Two modes of attack, Blocking and Strafing, and Per Part Damage.</li><li>Score system to keep track of progress. With variations in the ending depending on how much of the game you completed.</li></ul>
Now for information on the chat:
<blockquote><b>When:</b> Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 at 8PM Eastern Time
<b>Where:</b> #rpgcodex on <A href="http://www.gamesnet.net">irc.gamesnet.net</a>
<b>Who:</b> <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/">Anino Entertainment</a></blockquote>
So, if you're looking for a CRPG with a non-traditional setting and somewhat unique gameplay, mark your calenders for next Wednesday night!