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Review KotOR gets sweaty with RPG Fan


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

<Ah ref="http://www.rpgfan.com">RPG Fan</a> has posted <A href="http://www.rpgfan.com/reviews/starwars-kotor/index3.html">their review</A> of <a href="http://www.swkotor.com">Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic</A>, giving it a <b>95%</b> and showering it with gobs and gobs of praise, while faulting things like <i>character creation</i> because there's not enough faces to pick from. Yeah. Well, here's a clip:
<blockquote>Combat in the title is as close as one can get to a cinematic experience in a video game. Turn-based RPGs have always suffered from the lack of realism inherent in taking turns. Who hasn't chuckled at least once when watching a cruel and evil overlord stand politely still while the hero slashes at him, waiting for his chance to do the same? In Knights of the Old Republic, however, turn-based combat instead yields a feeling of urgency and struggle. Upon sighting an enemy, the game automatically pauses to allow the player to give specific commands to his combatants. Then, once the orders have been issued, the game may be unpaused to allow the action to commence. During the battle, the player may continue to pause and assign commands, or give orders on the fly. The results of combat are than determined by the behind-the-scenes rolling of dice with which any player of any Dungeons and Dragons-based game should be familiar. </blockquote>
We live in wonderful times when even RPG sites don't know what <i>turn based</i> is.
Spotted this at <A href="http://swforums.bioware.com/viewforum.html?forum=27">the KotOR forum</a>.

Transcendent One

Nov 21, 2003
Fortress of Regrets
The most interesting of the elements introduced in the game is the ability to choose either the Light or Dark Side. Unlike other games where your decision has very little effect on gameplay, or where one side is inherently more advantageous to follow, BioWare does a fabulous job balancing both sides and setting up perfect motivation for whatever the eventual decision may be

Oh, I could be a goody two shoes or a meanie. My heart's pounding :roll: Even ToEE implemented that

Combat in the title is as close as one can get to a cinematic experience in a video game. Turn-based RPGs have always suffered from the lack of realism inherent in taking turns. Who hasn't chuckled at least once when watching a cruel and evil overlord stand politely still while the hero slashes at him, waiting for his chance to do the same? In Knights of the Old Republic, however, turn-based combat instead yields a feeling of urgency and struggle. Upon sighting an enemy, the game automatically pauses to allow the player to give specific commands to his combatants. Then, once the orders have been issued, the game may be unpaused to allow the action to commence. During the battle, the player may continue to pause and assign commands, or give orders on the fly. The results of combat are than determined by the behind-the-scenes rolling of dice with which any player of any Dungeons and Dragons-based game should be familiar.

No, sorry, cause the evil overlord will chunk me on his next turn while I politely stand.

If you can't comprehend TB (it can be a bit difficult to visualize) don't comment.

Combat, being a very major component of every RPG

Awww, isn't that cute? :lol:


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
While I think the game handles the different sides of the Force pretty good, shouldn't that be expected considering the setting? I must also say that the combat didn't give me nearly the same sense of urgency as Silent Storm and while it looked good I was uncertain about what were actual attacks and what were cosmetic moves added for a more "cinematic" experience. Calling it turn-based is just plain inane.

I'll say one thing though, Bioware seem to have learned how to do evil (unlike in the Baldur's Gate games). Getting "Big Z" to slaughter his best friend must be one of the most cruel things I've seen in a CRPG. Ah, Wookies and their silly life debts. :twisted:

Transcendent One

Nov 21, 2003
Fortress of Regrets
Whaa...??? You mean the guy thinks the combat in KotOR is turn-based? I just thought he was saying he didn't like TB (the real TB) cause it seemed illogical to him.

Yup, now I reread it carefully and that is indeed the case!

Oh dear... :shock:

Transcendent One

Nov 21, 2003
Fortress of Regrets
Gimp Mask said:
Greyhawk said:
Whaa...??? You mean the guy thinks the combat in KotOR is turn-based? I just thought he was saying he didn't like TB (the real TB) cause it seemed illogical to him.

"In Knights of the Old Republic, however, turn-based combat instead yields a feeling of urgency and struggle." How does that not imply that KotOR would be TB?
Read the damn review, it clearly says "Genre: Turn-Based RPG"

Greyhawk said:
Yup, now I reread it carefully and that is indeed the case!

Oh dear...



Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
Gimp Mask said:

"In Knights of the Old Republic, however, turn-based combat instead yields a feeling of urgency and struggle." How does that not imply that KotOR would be TB?
Read the damn review, it clearly says "Genre: Turn-Based RPG"
You see, the fact that elephants fly implies that there are living flying objects that weigh more than 300 kilos. But you can't deduce from that that elephants fly.

The quoted passage only implies that the reviewer thinks that KotOR is TB, and not that KotOR is TB.

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