Tags: Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir; Origin Systems
That's right, you can grab it from <a href="http://www.atari-store.co.uk/pc-games/buy-download-Neverwinter_Nights_2_-_Storm_of_Zehir.html?affilie=SCE081101000B&IdTis=XTC-DE4Q-NZDV9-DD-QAV98-1R9">this page</a> after scrolling down; you can also try <a href="http://maud.metaboli.fr:3006/repository/N2SOZ/en/manuals/user_manual_en.pdf">this</a> direct link. Both are unreliable - if they don't work, try in a minute.
A bit about "Teamwork Benefits":<blockquote>For every three levels your party has advanced, and if they meet the prerequisites, you earn a new Teamwork Benefit. In order to earn the benefit, the party must pay pay a training fee of 1,000 gold and successfully complete a quest. Once you receive a Teamwork Benefit, it remains active at all times, even if the party members change.
<b>Missile Volley</b> - your team excels as firing as a group, unleashing a saturated wave of arrows and bolts. Each member places her shots so that the target cannot dodge them all.<ul><li>Team Member Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot <li>Benefit: Enemies get a stacking debuff of -1 AC vs. missile weapons when attacked with a missile weapon. The debuff lasts for a round.</ul></blockquote>Apart from all the "technical" bits (lots of it, it's an interesting read), we also learn that the expansion is dedicated to Gary Gygax.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://nwn2forums.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=654825&forum=128">NWN 2 forums</A>
That's right, you can grab it from <a href="http://www.atari-store.co.uk/pc-games/buy-download-Neverwinter_Nights_2_-_Storm_of_Zehir.html?affilie=SCE081101000B&IdTis=XTC-DE4Q-NZDV9-DD-QAV98-1R9">this page</a> after scrolling down; you can also try <a href="http://maud.metaboli.fr:3006/repository/N2SOZ/en/manuals/user_manual_en.pdf">this</a> direct link. Both are unreliable - if they don't work, try in a minute.
A bit about "Teamwork Benefits":<blockquote>For every three levels your party has advanced, and if they meet the prerequisites, you earn a new Teamwork Benefit. In order to earn the benefit, the party must pay pay a training fee of 1,000 gold and successfully complete a quest. Once you receive a Teamwork Benefit, it remains active at all times, even if the party members change.
<b>Missile Volley</b> - your team excels as firing as a group, unleashing a saturated wave of arrows and bolts. Each member places her shots so that the target cannot dodge them all.<ul><li>Team Member Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot <li>Benefit: Enemies get a stacking debuff of -1 AC vs. missile weapons when attacked with a missile weapon. The debuff lasts for a round.</ul></blockquote>Apart from all the "technical" bits (lots of it, it's an interesting read), we also learn that the expansion is dedicated to Gary Gygax.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://nwn2forums.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=654825&forum=128">NWN 2 forums</A>