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Development Info Dark Disciples churns up to version 2.0


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Dark Disciples

<A href="http://www.darkdisciples-rpg.com/">Dark Disciples</A> has recently updated to version 2.0 of the freeware, open ended and nontraditional fantasy CRPG. Here's a partial list of the features for the game:
<ul><li>Hold conversations with numerous characters</li><li>All quests are logged for future reference</li><li>A complete 'world' map providing names of important sites and places</li><li>A 'Might & Magic VI' style inventory management system</li><li>Fully featured thief skills - pick locks, remove traps, hide in shadows etc</li><li>Mostly non-linear gameplay</li><li>Multiple solutions to many obstacles - a locked door can be smashed open, picked, or opened via a key or 'knock' spell.</li><li>An automap function maps all the levels for you.</li><li>Some cool Midi tunes.</li><li>Monster AI - not amazing but it will do a few interesting tricks - for example, some monsters can open doors, others can't.</li></ul>
Sounds pretty decent to me, and still being updated. Not bad.
Thanks, <b>Mr. Teatime</b>!


What I thought would always be neat is something sorta similiar to Arcanum, but not exactly.

It'd be like fantasy, but modern day/a bit into the future. Still knights and mages, but are 'modern'-like.

Potions in plastic liter bottles, swords made out of modern day Alloys, etc.

It'd be interesting, atleast.

Usual Trading Posts would be like Supermarkets and you could get that 1 liter bottle of Cure for $10. So basically, there is still a fantasy feel and magic to things, but it's incorporated with every-day things. Could make some interesting quests with that, too. Maybe make the people still talk in Olde Englishe, too. 'Thine computer hath crashed, milord.'


Dec 9, 2002
Anyone still playing this? I've gotten pretty far, but have gotten stuck with the last few quests in the main module.


Jan 15, 2004
I finished this the other day, where are you stuck?

I never finished these quests, though:
Catch Drake the killer
Save the cursed village
Save the snowman
Find the tarot cards

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