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Review GameSpot reviews Tribunal


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal

<a href="http://gamespot.com/">GameSpot</a> has posted their <a href="http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/reviews/0,10867,2898258,00.html">review</a> of <A href="http://www.morrowind.com">Morrowind: Tribunal</a>. They give it a lovely <b>7.5</b>, which isn't bad as far as their standards go. Here's a clip:
<blockquote>Tribunal is set entirely in Mournhold, the capital city of the Imperial Province of Morrowind. Mournhold and its political intrigues were frequently described by characters and texts in the original game. The royal family of Mournhold was the subject of several books that could be found in Morrowind, and the recently deceased former monarch was a member of one of the three dark elf "great houses" your character could join. Finally, Mournhold is also the residence of Almalexia, one of the three mortal heroes who created the tribunal after ascending to divinity. Since one of the most appealing aspects of the original game was exploring its expansive geographical areas, it's somewhat surprising that the Tribunal expansion confines your adventures to the relatively small setting of the municipality. The city contains the royal palace and four separate districts, each of which only consists of a handful of buildings or landmarks, and the entire area is populated by only a few dozen non-player characters--while the original game had more than 2,000 NPCs. However, there are plenty of things to do in the more-confined setting, because virtually every character you meet plays a role in one or more quests. While the original game offered a fairly free-form world to explore, Tribunal provides a more-focused, story-driven experience, which may disappoint players looking for more open-ended exploration. </blockquote>
Spotted this at <a href="Http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</a>

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