Tags: Anino Entertainment; Anito: Defend a Land Enraged
There's an <a href="http://www.gametunnel.com/html/sections-viewarticle38-page2.html">interview</A> with <b>Gabby Dizon</b> of <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com">Anino</a> over at <A href="http://www.gametunnel.com">Game Tunnel</a> about <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/anito/">Anito: Defend a Land Enraged</a>, which is up for some <A href="http://www.igf.com">IGF</a> stuff, as well as independent game development in general. Here's a bit of general:
<blockquote><b>Q: What do you think makes Independent games distinctive?
A:</b> Indie games are different because usually, their vision of the game is pure and complete in their finished products, unlike other games which need to drop or modify content to satisfy a publisher. Indie games are free to try out weird or downright wacky ideas because there's no one breathing down their neck, checking their game to see if there's anything that they don't agree with.</blockquote>
Good answer.
Thanks, <b>Gabby</b>!
There's an <a href="http://www.gametunnel.com/html/sections-viewarticle38-page2.html">interview</A> with <b>Gabby Dizon</b> of <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com">Anino</a> over at <A href="http://www.gametunnel.com">Game Tunnel</a> about <A href="http://www.aninoentertainment.com/anito/">Anito: Defend a Land Enraged</a>, which is up for some <A href="http://www.igf.com">IGF</a> stuff, as well as independent game development in general. Here's a bit of general:
<blockquote><b>Q: What do you think makes Independent games distinctive?
A:</b> Indie games are different because usually, their vision of the game is pure and complete in their finished products, unlike other games which need to drop or modify content to satisfy a publisher. Indie games are free to try out weird or downright wacky ideas because there's no one breathing down their neck, checking their game to see if there's anything that they don't agree with.</blockquote>
Good answer.
Thanks, <b>Gabby</b>!